Agenda item

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy



The report, which presented an update on the development of the Sheffield Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2034, was presented by Susan Hird (Assistant Director of Public Health, Sheffield City Council), and Helen Watson (Public Health Registrar, Sheffield City Council).



RESOLVED: That the Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board:

(a)  Notes the summary report of the outcomes of the strategy workshop on the 23rd May.

(b)  Approves the wording of the four radical shifts and the Board’s collective commitments found in Appendix 3 of the report.

(c)  Will develop individual commitments to the radical shifts if they were unable to attend the workshop on 23rd May.

(d)  Notes the current descriptions of the eight building blocks found in Appendix 4 of the report, and will make any relevant comments to support further development.

(e)  Notes the design concept for the new Health and Wellbeing Board Microsite which will host the strategy.

(f)    Supports using language everyone can understand in the microsite content.

(g)  Agrees to participate in developing video content for the microsite and blog-style content.

(h)  Notes the timescales for finalising and publishing the new strategy. Will participate in a further development workshop on 19th July 2024; and

(i)    Will provide any additional steer and guidance including the role of the public and partner organisations in development and endorsement of the Strategy.




Supporting documents: