Agenda item

Growth Plan



The report, which gave an update on the Growth Plan, was presented by Diana Buckley (Director of Economy, Skills and Culture, Sheffield City Council).  A presentation was delivered which was published on the Council’s website.



The Board welcomed neighbourhoods being a key aspect of the plan and emphasised that good growth was growth which worked for neighbourhoods and communities. Board Members were reminded that in establishing this it was important to hear from people with disabilities. Members noted that foundational sectors, including health and social care, formed the majority of jobs in the city, and this led to an intersection with the work of the Board.  Members discussed the opportunity for the city to be a centre for the development of national and international Health and Wellbeing, e.g. via universities and the teaching hospitals, and the importance of involving the Knowledge Sector, in order to attract more investment.



Members also emphasised the need to ensure local infrastructure such as housing, transport and GP practices kept up with growth, in order to avoid “stretch” and noted that this was embedded in the approach of the Growth Plan.



RESOLVED: That the Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board notes the Growth Plan update.




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