Agenda item

Changing Futures



The report which gave an update on Changing Futures, was presented by Sam Martin (Head of Commissioning, Sheffield City Council), Vic Stirling (Head of Service, South Yorkshire Housing Association), Jessie Adams (Changing Futures Programme Manager), and Lewis Goodyear (Programme Co-ordinator, Changing Futures).



Members thanked the Changing Futures team for what they considered to be an excellent piece of work that the city should be proud of.   The importance of making the case for continued funding and staffing of this approach of direct engagement and positive support, was emphasised. The need to embody it across all Council services, was stressed, particularly when working with people with complex needs, in order to avoid them being “bounced around” different services. Members underlined that the approach would have a huge impact on the lives of children and young people.  It was agreed that further thought needed to be given to what mechanisms were needed to embed learning from the project and that a future update on the work would be beneficial when appropriate.



Members commented on the success of the codesign and coproduction which had been an equal and meaningful partnership which should be continued.



RESOLVED: That the Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board notes the Changing Futures update.




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