notes that due to rapid build cost inflation, the
existing Gleadless Valley Masterplan proposals previously approved
in 2022 are no longer deliverable within the allocated Council
budget and that delivery of the housing and green space
improvements has stalled;
approves the development of an improved approach to
regeneration in Gleadless Valley involving working across the
council, with voluntary and community groups and with delivery and
investment partners to bring additional expertise, capacity and
funding into the programme;
agrees that the current approved Gleadless Valley
Masterplan proposals should be reviewed and updated to reflect the
new approach to regeneration. The review should also
consider the potential for physical improvements to
housing and open spaces to be complemented by social and economic
interventions to address the high levels of deprivation in the area
and build thriving communities. Once the review is complete the
draft revised proposals to be brought back to the appropriate
Council Policy Committee for consideration and
agrees that a Delivery Plan for the updated
Gleadless Valley regeneration proposals should be developed over
the coming year in partnership with the local community and
potential delivery partners and investors. The Delivery Plan, once
drafted, to be brought to the appropriate Council Policy Committee
for consideration and approval, at which point the full financial
implications and risks will be considered;
agrees to the establishment of a new Gleadless
Valley Regeneration Board, bringing together residents, local
community organisations, delivery partners and Council
representative with the purpose of advising on the overall
strategy for Gleadless Valley and aligning stakeholders to deliver
the vision;
agrees that residents living in blocks that are
identified in the existing masterplan for demolition or remodelling
should be informed that the plans for their blocks are being
reviewed and may change; and
approves the transfer of £662,300 from the
Gleadless Valley Housing Revenue Account Capital Allocation into a
Gleadless Valley Housing Revenue Account revenue budget to cover
additional expenditure in the current financial year to implement
the new approach to regeneration and develop the Delivery