Agenda item

Enhancing Our Approach to Engagement with Citizens and in Communities

Report of Director of Policy and Engagement



The Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement submitted a report setting out the Council’s approach to delivering on the Council Plan priority of developing “A new approach to community empowerment and engagement, working with our Voluntary, Community and Faith sector partners and through Local Area Committees”.


The report does this through:


• setting out a strategic Statement of Intent for this area of work;


• welcoming the leadership being shown by the Governance Committee on the development of our vision and longer-term plan for community engagement


• proposing a set of “Foundations for Good Engagement” to make clear the consistent, core standards of practice we need to have in place ahead of the Governance Committee’s work completing, and to ensure they are building on solid ground.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) approves the Engagement Statement of Intent, as set out in the report now submitted;


(b) approves the proposed Foundations for Good Engagement, as set out in the report and Appendix 3, as a living document, and delegate authority to the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement to update these as necessary; and


(c) notes the Governance Committee’s work to respond to the recommendations of the Involve report, including the establishment of a Public Involvement Working Group.




Reasons for Decision




This proposal is recommended in order to demonstrate our commitment in a way that enables the Council to be held accountable, and to ensure that the foundations of our approach are in place on which more aspirational work can build.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




One alternative option would be leaving arrangements as they currently are: as set out in this paper this would be unsatisfactory as it would leave the Council in the position of not delivering key priorities in the Council Plan.




A second alternative option would have been to bring a fully worked up engagement framework and approach for endorsement. This was not pursued as it would not reflect our intention of being more open in our approach to engagement: it is preferable that the Governance Committee conduct their work to shape is as is proposed.




The Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement submitted a report setting out the Council’s approach to delivering on the Council Plan priority of developing “A new approach to community empowerment and engagement, working with our Voluntary, Community and Faith sector partners and through Local Area Committees”.


The report does this through:


• setting out a strategic Statement of Intent for this area of work;


• welcoming the leadership being shown by the Governance Committee on the development of our vision and longer-term plan for community engagement


• proposing a set of “Foundations for Good Engagement” to make clear the consistent, core standards of practice we need to have in place ahead of the Governance Committee’s work completing, and to ensure they are building on solid ground.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-




(a) approves the Engagement Statement of Intent, as set out in the report now submitted;


(b) approves the proposed Foundations for Good Engagement, as set out in the report and Appendix 3, as a living document, and delegate authority to the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement to update these as necessary; and


(c) notes the Governance Committee’s work to respond to the recommendations of the Involve report, including the establishment of a Public Involvement Working Group.




Reasons for Decision




This proposal is recommended in order to demonstrate our commitment in a way that enables the Council to be held accountable, and to ensure that the foundations of our approach are in place on which more aspirational work can build.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




One alternative option would be leaving arrangements as they currently are: as set out in this paper this would be unsatisfactory as it would leave the Council in the position of not delivering key priorities in the Council Plan.




A second alternative option would have been to bring a fully worked up engagement framework and approach for endorsement. This was not pursued as it would not reflect our intention of being more open in our approach to engagement: it is preferable that the Governance Committee conduct their work to shape is as is proposed.


Supporting documents: