Report of the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement
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The Committee received a report containing the Committee’s Work Programme for consideration and discussion. The aim of the Work Programme is to show all known, substantive agenda items for forthcoming meetings of the Committee, to enable this committee, other committees, officers, partners and the public to plan their work with and for the Committee. It was highlighted that this is a live document and Members input to it was invaluable.
It was noted that, subsequent to the publication of the agenda papers, it was now intended that the Sheffield Growth Plan item be submitted to the November meeting, rather than September. This was to allow for internal briefings in the following weeks and stakeholder engagement over September and October. Members highlighted the need to respond to the outstanding responses to Full Council motions and in particular to the item ‘Reaffirming Sheffield as a City of Sanctuary’. Members discussed the appropriate place for consideration of issues that had an impact on the whole Council and it was stated that there was now an established principle that appropriate significant whole Council issues, for example the Housing Strategy, should come to Strategy and Resources Policy Committee for consideration. |
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RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-
(a) agrees the Committee’s work programme, as set out in Appendix 1, including the additions and amendments identified in Paragraph 4 of the report; and
(b) that the Sheffield Growth Plan item be moved to the list of items for the November meeting in the Work Programme, rather than the September meeting, as now reported. |
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