Agenda item

Work Programme

Report of the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement



The Principal Democratic Services Officer submitted a report containing the Committee’s Work Programme which detailed all known, substantive agenda items for forthcoming meetings of the Committee to enable the Committee, other Committees, officers, partners and the public to plan their work with and for the Committee.




Members were notified of two petitions that had been received at Full Council on 4 September 2024 and were referred to the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee. The petitions, which were on the Pedestrianisation of Surrey Street and Double Yellow Lines in Neepsend, were to be considered as part of reports due to come to future meetings of the Committee. One additional change to the work programme was reported: the TCF City Centre report would now go to the November meeting of the Committee.




Members requested that items on the Bus and Tram Network and an update on the Local Plan be added to the list of items for future meetings where no date had been set, and that both items be discussed at a knowledge briefing. Members also requested that colleagues from the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) be invited to a future meeting of the Committee.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-


1.     agrees the Committee’s work programme, as set out in Appendix 1, including the additions and amendments identified in Paragraph 4 of the report and any agreed by Members at the meeting; and


2.     notes the referrals from Council and Committees (petition and resolutions) detailed in Paragraph 2 of the report and reported in the meeting, and agrees the proposed responses set out.


Supporting documents: