Agenda item

Equipment, adapted housing and tech enabled care

Report of Strategic Director, Adult Care and Wellbeing




The Assistant Director of Living and Ageing well introduced the report to the Committee which provided:


·       Further update regarding Living and Ageing Well Short-Term service provision including Occupational Therapy, Equipment, Adapted Housing, City-Wide Care Alarms and Technology Enabled Care services setting out the current position and achievements since the previous report to committee in March 2024.

·       Activity underway to achieve an accessible, responsive suite of services to improve long term outcomes for local people in the city.

·       Current commissioning arrangements for the Integrated Community Equipment Loan Service and the options for recommissioning, along with key updates with regards to implementation of national guidance.

·       An update on the City-Wide Care Alarms service including proposals in relation to charges to customers.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-

  1. Approve an extension of the Integrated Equipment Loan Services (ICELS) of 18 months consultation and engagement will take place regards future of the ICELS contract commencing in November 2024 to enable a recommendation to be proposed at Committee in March 2025.
  2. Notes consultation and engagement will take place between September and January 25 regards the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) and discretionary funding policy to enable a recommendation to be proposed at Committee in March 2025.
  3. Notes the update on the delivery of the Council’s Occupational Therapy and City-Wide Care Alarms Services.
  4. Notes progress in delivering Technology Enabled Care ambitions including the financial impact of digital switchover.
  5. Approve charging the amount reflective of the additional digital cost, where the digital switchover is applied to customers, so that Sheffield City Council is not at a financial loss.
  6. Notes engagement will take place between October 2024 and February 2025 to propose increase in City Wide Care Alarm charges to achieve an affordable service. The outcome of the engagement will be provided to Committee in March 2025.
  7. Approves an annual review of the Citywide Care Alarms charging policy to ensure sustainability of the service.
  8. Requests that the Strategic Director Adult Care and Wellbeing provides the Committee with updates on progress and outcomes in relation to the performance and financial spend on a six-monthly basis.


Reasons for Decision


The decision to approve an extension of the Integrated Equipment Loan Services (ICELS) of 18 months provides the time required to undertake the work regarding development of a new specification including consultation and engagement regards the future of the ICELS contract.


This decision will support consultation, and engagement regards the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) and discretionary funding policy, enabling us to have clear practice guidance for both people requiring access to the funding and our workforce which is reflective of learning from previous ombudsmen decisions.



The performance updates and focused delivery plan gives a structured approach to the promotion of independent living as well as how the service is addressing waiting lists and ensuring that progress is being made and people are supported to wait well. It will also provide greater accountability and transparency of how we will do this.


Providing regular updates and latest position of the service and the key priority workstreams including commissioning arrangements, future opportunities and performance ensures the Committee, wider stakeholders, and the public the ability to hold the Council to account for progress and provide an additional mechanism to input to future development and oversight.


The approval to undertake a review of charging for City Wide Care alarms will enable us to have a more viable business model and better reflect the increased cost for the upgrade to digital equipment and ensure that we are delivering value for money whilst not operating at a loss.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Alternative Option 1:


·       Don’t complete the identified recommendation and actions risking the implementation of service improvements. performance and financial recovery.

·       This option does not provide the assurances required.



Alternative Option 2:




·       To note the identified recommendations and actions including the implementation of delivery plan for equipment and adaptations performance and financial recovery.

·       This would provide the assurances required to ensure that we are striving towards a high performing and financially sustainable service




The Assistant Director of Living and Ageing well introduced the report to the Committee which provided:


·       Further update regarding Living and Ageing Well Short-Term service provision including Occupational Therapy, Equipment, Adapted Housing, City-Wide Care Alarms and Technology Enabled Care services setting out the current position and achievements since the previous report to committee in March 2024.

·       Activity underway to achieve an accessible, responsive suite of services to improve long term outcomes for local people in the city.

·       Current commissioning arrangements for the Integrated Community Equipment Loan Service and the options for recommissioning, along with key updates with regards to implementation of national guidance.

·       An update on the City-Wide Care Alarms service including proposals in relation to charges to customers.


It was reminded that to add an update to the work programme as part of the DASS.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-

  1. Approve an extension of the Integrated Equipment Loan Services (ICELS) of 18 months consultation and engagement will take place regards future of the ICELS contract commencing in November 2024 to enable a recommendation to be proposed at Committee in March 2025.
  2. Notes consultation and engagement will take place between September and January 25 regards the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) and discretionary funding policy to enable a recommendation to be proposed at Committee in March 2025.
  3. Notes the update on the delivery of the Council’s Occupational Therapy and City-Wide Care Alarms Services.
  4. Notes progress in delivering Technology Enabled Care ambitions including the financial impact of digital switchover.
  5. Approve charging the amount reflective of the additional digital cost, where the digital switchover is applied to customers, so that Sheffield City Council is not at a financial loss.
  6. Notes engagement will take place between October 2024 and February 2025 to propose increase in City Wide Care Alarm charges to achieve an affordable service. The outcome of the engagement will be provided to Committee in March 2025.
  7. Approves an annual review of the Citywide Care Alarms charging policy to ensure sustainability of the service.
  8. Requests that the Strategic Director Adult Care and Wellbeing provides the Committee with updates on progress and outcomes in relation to the performance and financial spend on a six-monthly basis.


Reasons for Decision


The decision to approve an extension of the Integrated Equipment Loan Services (ICELS) of 18 months provides the time required to undertake the work regarding development of a new specification including consultation and engagement regards the future of the ICELS contract.


This decision will support consultation, and engagement regards the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) and discretionary funding policy, enabling us to have clear practice guidance for both people requiring access to the funding and our workforce which is reflective of learning from previous ombudsmen decisions.



The performance updates and focused delivery plan gives a structured approach to the promotion of independent living as well as how the service is addressing waiting lists and ensuring that progress is being made and people are supported to wait well. It will also provide greater accountability and transparency of how we will do this.


Providing regular updates and latest position of the service and the key priority workstreams including commissioning arrangements, future opportunities and performance ensures the Committee, wider stakeholders, and the public the ability to hold the Council to account for progress and provide an additional mechanism to input to future development and oversight.


The approval to undertake a review of charging for City Wide Care alarms will enable us to have a more viable business model and better reflect the increased cost for the upgrade to digital equipment and ensure that we are delivering value for money whilst not operating at a loss.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Alternative Option 1:


·       Don’t complete the identified recommendation and actions risking the implementation of service improvements. performance and financial recovery.

·       This option does not provide the assurances required.



Alternative Option 2:




·       To note the identified recommendations and actions including the implementation of delivery plan for equipment and adaptations performance and financial recovery.

·       This would provide the assurances required to ensure that we are striving towards a high performing and financially sustainable service


Supporting documents: