Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting
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Councillor Mike Chaplin declared a personal interest in Agenda Item No. 7a (Application No. 23/02828/FUL – Land 300M South Of Junction With Whitelow Lane, Shorts Lane, Sheffield, S17 3AH), as a Member of the Peak District National Park Authority. Councillor Chaplin took part in the discussion and voting thereon, as he had not given an opinion or made up his mind on the application prior to the meeting.
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Councillor Nikki Belfield declared a personal interest in Agenda Item No. 7b (Application No. 24/02019/FUL – - Land And Buildings Between 119 And 127 Bevercotes Road, Sheffield, S5 6HB), as a local ward member. Councillor Belfield took part in the discussion and voting thereon, as she had not given an opinion or made up her mind on the application prior to the meeting.
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