Agenda item

North East Local Area Committee Engagement

Presentation from the North East Local Area Committee Team



Suzanne Britch (North East Local Area Committee Officer) presented this item.  She shared a presentation from the Sheffield City Council’s website.  The presentation showcased an engagement tool (website) called ‘Have Your Say’ -  She explained that the advantages of using ‘Have Your Say’ were that it raised  awareness of the Local Area Committees. It kept people updated and supported, they anticipated it would encourage residents and group involvement and networking in the community and promoted the work the LAC did.


Suzanne Britch described that from the ‘landing page’ of the website, you could navigate your way to explore information relevant to the North East area of Sheffield. This included themes that the LAC were prioritising. It provided information on services and what was happening in the area.  The site provided electronic links to useful information. Members of the public could also add information, share knowledge and concerns to the site.  This information would be accessible to the LAC team, issues could then be addressed direct.


A QR code to aid easy access on the leaflets was available in the meeting during the breakout session.  The ink to the site could be found here - Have Your Say Sheffield


Suzanne invited questions from those present at the meeting; she received the following questions: -


a)    Margaret Hill (Burngreave Tenants and Residents Association)




Is there a link to the site rather than using the QR code?


Suzanne Britch stated that there was and offered to provide the link.




b)    Mick Daniels (Brushes Tenants and Residents Association, Firth Park)




If you can’t access the website, how do we communicate with the North East LAC?


Lindsey Hill stated that there were a number of ways to engage with the team, she asked for the public’s ideas on how we communicated with each other also.


Councillor Jayne Dunn asked Lindsey Hill if ‘Have Your Say’ would be available to access in libraries, GP surgeries and other community buildings for members of the public who don’t have the necessary data on their mobile phones?  She suggested that this would work well as an application on mobile phones, but people needed access to free data.


Lindsey Hill stated that they had been trialling a pilot initiative with local businesses and other organisations, to train them how to use the site and encourage members of the public to do so also. 


Councillor Safiya Saeed, Chair of the North East Local Area Committee offered advice on ways for members of the public to stay in touch with the team by contacting their local Councillor, the TARA groups, direct contact with local area committee officers and the Integrated Care Board, who would provide a ‘comments box’ that should be at future LAC meetings.  She ended by saying that the teams rely on local residents for information.



c)    Mick Daniels




Mr Daniels sought clarification on how to contact the LAC team and commented that he had been told that the internet was going to be available in all community buildings but this had not happened.  He added that money had been spent on shutters and cleaning up properties on the estate.  He stated that the estate was ‘going backwards’.


Lindsey Hill stated that they had brought information with them about the Green Network that had been created and suggested Mr Daniels speak to one of the LAC Team members who could advise him on what was happening in the area regarding the environment.


Mr Daniels responded that grass cutting on the estate was not happening as it should.