Report of Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement and Director of Customer Experience and Communities
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The Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement and Director of Customer Experience and Communities submitted a joint report proposing that over the coming year, we work with communities and our Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector to co-create a collective, long-term ambition for communities in Sheffield that helps to deliver our City Goals.
Further, the report provides an initial reflection on the city’s response to the violent racially motivated disorder that affected many parts of the country in the summer of 2024 (Appendix 1); and a response to the Full Council resolution on “reaffirming Sheffield as a city of sanctuary” and to agree to seek reaccreditation as a Local Authority of Sanctuary (Appendix 2).
In noting the information contained in Appendix 2 of the report responding to the Full Council resolution, views were expressed that the numerous calls made on Government, contained in the resolution had not been responded to appropriately. Officers indicated that the proposed responses aimed to reflect the evolving government position but that they would liaise with Members and ensure that these points would be reflected in the Council’s discussions with the Home Office.
With regards to the role of Member Champions, the Director of Policy and Democratic Engagement agreed to liaise with Group Whips on the most appropriate way for such Member Champions to feedback details of activity to other Council Members. |
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RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:- |
(a) requests officers to initiate the development of a new Communities Strategy in collaboration with communities and other partners, with a draft to be presented to the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee in early summer 2025 and a final version of the strategy following formal consultation to be presented to the committee in September 2025; |
(b) approves the establishment of a cross-party Member reference group to support the development of the work; |
(c) notes the response of the city’s communities and the council to the violent disorder that affected many parts of the country in the summer of 2024; and |
(d) notes the information contained in Appendix 2 of the report which responds to the Full Council resolution on “reaffirming Sheffield as a city of sanctuary” and agrees to seek reaccreditation as a Local Authority of Sanctuary. |
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Reasons for Decision |
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To take steps to ensure that Sheffield has an ambitious vision for communities in the city, which is co-created and owned by communities and sets long-term direction for the Council and its relationship with people and partners. |
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To respond positively to the Full Council motion on “reaffirming Sheffield as a city of sanctuary” and to provide Elected Members with an update on the city’s response to the violent, racist and Islamophobic disorder that was seen over the summer. |
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Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
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Alternative Option 1: Do nothing We could choose to continue without a Communities Strategy but as detailed above, having a shared vision and set of ambitions with communities is a critical part of the Council Plan and city council’s transformation into a community and customer focused council. |
62.4.2 |
Alternative Option 2: Produce a strategy more quickly Recognising the gap in our Strategic Framework, we could choose to develop the new Communities Strategy more quickly. However, this would significantly limit the extent of community and VCFSE involvement in the co-creation of the strategy and risk the resulting vision and ambitions not being shared by the people of Sheffield. |
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