Agenda item

Non Emergency Transport Service Eligibility Criteria

Report of Richard Kennedy, Director of Involvement, South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board.



The report which briefed the Committee on the new, nationally set eligibility criteria for Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPT) services, and the approach that the NHS South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (SYICB) was taking to assess, and mitigate, any risk this could have on how individuals/communities across South Yorkshire get to/from their NHS care, was presented by Lesley Carver (Urgent & Emergency Care Programme Manager, ICB), David Crichton (Medical Director, ICB), Chris Dexter, Managing Director- Patient Transport Services, South Yorkshire Ambulance Service), and Richard Kennedy (Involvement Manager, NHS South Yorkshire).



Members discussed the booking service and whether it could be simplified for the benefit of groups such as the elderly, who might find it difficult to use.  Members were concerned that areas with high levels of deprivation were often further from hospitals, and that it would be expensive for users from these areas to pay the money for transport and then claim it back.  It was suggested that a bus pass system would be preferable.  This would also benefit patients who had a lot of appointments to attend.  David Crichton advised that this suggestion would be considered. Lesley Carver advised that simplifying the forms which people were required to complete, was also being worked on.



Members asked whether information had been provided in an easy read format for patients with learning disabilities and other people who might benefit from that format.  David Crichton confirmed that the ICB should ensure this was included as cognitive impairment was one of the qualifying criteria for patient transport.



Members expressed concern over extra pressure potentially being put on Community Transport, given they were already stretched, and asked if the ICB could provide funding to enable Community Transport to expand.  David Crichton advised that under the new ICB structure, closer working with the Mayoral Combined Authority was taking place and this enabled the ICB to have input into what public transport services were needed, e.g. to hospitals.  The ICB would also continue to work with the voluntary sector and community groups.



Members requested separate figures be provided for Bassetlaw.   David Crichton advised that this was not straight forward as some residents would use East Midlands Ambulance services, but it could be looked in to for the next update to the Committee.



Members asked whether monitoring would take place as to whether the changes would cause patients to miss appointments.  David Crichton advised that non-attendance figures were monitored, and this had been identified as a risk.  The use of virtual and telephone appointments, where appropriate, had been embedded since the Covid pandemic and increasing digital inclusion was a priority for the ICB.



RESOLVED: That the Committee: -


1.    Notes that there are new national eligibility criteria for Non-Emergency Patient Transport services to replace the current locally agreed criteria;

2.    Has reviewed and provided feedback on the work that the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board is undertaking, to understand the implications of implementing these criteria, including the assessment of risks and the development of appropriate mitigations; and

3.    Requests a further update on the application of the new criteria in six months.




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