That this Council:-
(a) that Councillors regularly receive complaints about vehicles parked on pavements, dangerous road crossings, bins blocking footways, broken dropped kerbs, obstructive advertising boards and panels, litter and slippery and icy pavements;
(b) the Council’s Transport Vision aims to deliver safer and inclusive streets, making it easy to walk, wheel and cycle and states that “we want our streets to be easy to navigate for everyone, including people using wheelchairs or mobility aids, blind or partially sighted people, and residents walking with young children in prams";
(c) all Sheffielders are pedestrians at some point of every journey;
(d) the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee is developing a Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Investment Plan (WWCIP);
(e) the 2020 road policing report by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services found an absence of effective road safety strategies and highlighted that an increase in numbers killed and injured coincided with a decrease in the amount that the police spent on roads policing;
(f) the Council has committed to a “Vision Zero” type approach to significantly reduce the yearly average of 357 people killed and seriously injured on Sheffield’s roads;
believes that:-
(g) making Sheffield a Pedestrian Friendly City will have environmental, health and financial benefits for everyone;
(h) making Sheffield a truly Pedestrian Friendly City will require the Council to lead on action across services in terms of investment, enforcement and better working practices, such as:
(i) ensuring pavements are kept clear of litter, fly-tipping, bins, leaves and ice;
(ii) enforcing illegal or dangerous parking, especially on pavements and dropped kerbs, where it limits access for disabled people;
(iii) looking for pedestrian improvements such as more road crossings and more 20mph zones in residential areas;
(iv) removing physical obstacles to pedestrians in footways;
(v) improving signage for walking routes; and
(vi) rolling out more Liveable (low traffic) Neighbourhoods in consultation with local communities to make streets safer and more pleasant;
resolves to:-
(i) ask the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee to include the above in its WWCIP, with Sheffield aiming to become a Pedestrian-Friendly City;
(j) ask the South Yorkshire Police and Mayor to prioritise and properly fund road safety, and to improve accessibility for pedestrians, including reversing the decision to abandon Operation Parksafe; and
(k) support the cross-committee working group proposed to be established by the Transport, Regeneration and Climate and Waste and Street Scene Policy Committees, which will aim to work with parking services and the police to eliminate obstructive parking and reduce road danger for all walkers, wheelers and cyclists.
6.1 |
It was moved by Councillor Christine Gilligan Kubo, and seconded by Councillor Ruth Mersereau, that this Council:- |
notes:- |
(a) that Councillors regularly receive complaints about vehicles parked on pavements, dangerous road crossings, bins blocking footways, broken dropped kerbs, obstructive advertising boards and panels, litter and slippery and icy pavements; |
(b) the Council’s Transport Vision aims to deliver safer and inclusive streets, making it easy to walk, wheel and cycle and states that “we want our streets to be easy to navigate for everyone, including people using wheelchairs or mobility aids, blind or partially sighted people, and residents walking with young children in prams"; |
(c) all Sheffielders are pedestrians at some point of every journey; |
(d) the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee is developing a Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Investment Plan (WWCIP); |
(e) the 2020 road policing report by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services found an absence of effective road safety strategies and highlighted that an increase in numbers killed and injured coincided with a decrease in the amount that the police spent on roads policing; |
(f) the Council has committed to a “Vision Zero” type approach to significantly reduce the yearly average of 357 people killed and seriously injured on Sheffield’s roads; |
believes that:- |
(g) making Sheffield a Pedestrian Friendly City will have environmental, health and financial benefits for everyone; |
(h) making Sheffield a truly Pedestrian Friendly City will require the Council to lead on action across services in terms of investment, enforcement and better working practices, such as: |
(i) ensuring pavements are kept clear of litter, fly-tipping, bins, leaves and ice; |
(ii) enforcing illegal or dangerous parking, especially on pavements and dropped kerbs, where it limits access for disabled people; |
(iii) looking for pedestrian improvements such as more road crossings and more 20mph zones in residential areas; |
(iv) removing physical obstacles to pedestrians in footways; |
(v) improving signage for walking routes; and |
(vi) rolling out more Liveable (low traffic) Neighbourhoods in consultation with local communities to make streets safer and more pleasant; |
resolves to:- |
(i) ask the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee to include the above in its WWCIP, with Sheffield aiming to become a Pedestrian-Friendly City; |
(j) ask the South Yorkshire Police and Mayor to prioritise and properly fund road safety, and to improve accessibility for pedestrians, including reversing the decision to abandon Operation Parksafe; and |
(k) support the cross-committee working group proposed to be established by the Transport, Regeneration and Climate and Waste and Street Scene Policy Committees, which will aim to work with parking services and the police to eliminate obstructive parking and reduce road danger for all walkers, wheelers and cyclists. |
6.2 |
Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor Ruth Milsom, and seconded by Councillor Ben Miskell, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by:- |
1. the addition of new paragraphs (b) to (d) as follows:- |
(b) the Council’s work making Sheffield more pedestrian friendly, including significant progress delivering 20mph zones (over 50 installed or in construction), and the success of School Streets with 12 permanent schemes, four in trial, and more planned; |
(c) the ongoing delivery of:- |
(i) Connecting Sheffield schemes, including pedestrianised parts of the city centre and installation of West Bar roundabout; and |
(ii) the Road Safety Action Plan, including Local Safety Schemes, school streets, 20mph zones, new powers to enforce moving traffic offences, implementing Safer Roads and delivering educational interventions; |
(d) the Government’s welcome announcement of £650m funding for local transport in 2025-26, including the renewal of Sheffield’s Supertram system; |
2. the re-lettering of the original paragraphs (b) and (c) as new paragraphs (e) and (f); |
3. the deletion of the original paragraph (d) and its replacement by a new paragraph (g) as follows:- |
(g) the Council’s cross-party Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Investment Plan (WWCIP), particularly its strong focus on neighbourhood improvements and creating safer routes for walking, wheeling, and cycling, prioritising community-led design to ensure investments align with local needs and projects to improve access to areas of employment and education establishments, and reduce transport-related social exclusion; |
4. the re-lettering of the original paragraphs (e) to (i) as new paragraphs (h) to (l); |
5. the addition of a new paragraph (m) as follows:- |
(m) support the cross-party Police and Crime Panel in scrutinising the Mayor’s emerging Police And Crime Plan, recognising the active role Panel members play in advising the Mayor and promoting Sheffield’s priorities, including road safety; |
6. the deletion of the original paragraph (j) and its replacement by a new paragraph (n) as follows:- |
(n) support the cross-party members of the Police and Crime Panel in seeking a constructive way forward following the withdrawal of Operation ParkSafe by South Yorkshire Police; |
7. the re-lettering of the original paragraph (k) as a new paragraph (o). |
6.3 |
It was then moved by Councillor Tim Huggan, and seconded by Councillor Andrew Sangar, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by:- |
1. the addition of a new paragraph (g) as follows, and the re-lettering of the original paragraphs (g) and (h) as new paragraphs (h) and (i):- |
(g) that Operation ParkSafe was cancelled following a successful pilot scheme with almost 900 reports of parking obstruction submitted in 12 months; |
2. in the newly re-lettered paragraph (i), the addition at the end of sub-paragraph (i) of the words “including supporting community activity such as litter pickers and snow wardens”; |
3. in the newly re-lettered paragraph (i), the addition of a new sub-paragraph (iv) as follows, and the re-lettering of the original sub-paragraphs (iv) and (v) as new sub-paragraphs (v) and (vi):- |
(iv) inclusive mobility practices as outlined by the Royal National Institute for Blind People such as tactile paving surfaces and accessible crossings; |
4. in the newly re-lettered paragraph (i), the deletion of the original sub-paragraph (vi) and its replacement with a new sub-paragraph (vii) as follows:- |
(vii) rolling out Liveable (low traffic) Neighbourhoods where they are supported by local communities that would be impacted; |
5. the re-lettering of the original paragraphs (i) to (k) as new paragraphs (j) to (l); and |
6. the addition of a new paragraph (m) as follows:- |
(m) ask the Government to give Mayors and Police and Crime Commissioners devolved powers to fund the cost of the administration of programmes like Operation ParkSafe from penalty notices issued through the scheme, and accordingly, asks the Leader of the Council to forward the motion to the Government and to the South Yorkshire Mayor. |
6.4 |
After contributions from four other Members, and following a right of reply from Councillor Christine Gilligan Kubo, the amendment moved by Councillor Ruth Milsom was put to the vote and was carried, except for Part 6 of the amendment, which was lost. |
6.4.1 |
(NOTE: The result of the vote was FOR - 69 Members; AGAINST - 4 Members; ABSTENTIONS – 1 Member. Although Liberal Democrat and Green Group Members voted for, they voted against Part 6 of the amendment.Although Sheffield Community Councillors Group Members voted against, they voted for paragraphs (b) and (d) in Part 1 of the amendment.) |
6.5 |
The amendment moved by Councillor Tim Huggan was then put to the vote and was carried. |
6.5.1 |
(NOTE: The result of the vote was FOR - 74 Members; AGAINST - 0 Members; ABSTENTIONS – 1 Member. Although Labour Group Members voted for, they abstained from voting on Parts 4 and 6 of the amendment. Although Green Group Members voted for, they voted against Part 4 of the amendment.). |
6.6 |
The original Motion, as amended, was then put to the vote as a Substantive Motion in the following form and was carried:- |
RESOLVED: That this Council:- |
notes:- |
(a) that Councillors regularly receive complaints about vehicles parked on pavements, dangerous road crossings, bins blocking footways, broken dropped kerbs, obstructive advertising boards and panels, litter and slippery and icy pavements; |
(b) the Council’s work making Sheffield more pedestrian friendly, including significant progress delivering 20mph zones (over 50 installed or in construction), and the success of School Streets with 12 permanent schemes, four in trial, and more planned; |
(c) the ongoing delivery of:- |
(i) Connecting Sheffield schemes, including pedestrianised parts of the city centre and installation of West Bar roundabout; and |
(ii) the Road Safety Action Plan, including Local Safety Schemes, school streets, 20mph zones, new powers to enforce moving traffic offences, implementing Safer Roads and delivering educational interventions; |
(d) the Government’s welcome announcement of £650m funding for local transport in 2025-26, including the renewal of Sheffield’s Supertram system; |
(e) the Council’s Transport Vision aims to deliver safer and inclusive streets, making it easy to walk, wheel and cycle and states that “we want our streets to be easy to navigate for everyone, including people using wheelchairs or mobility aids, blind or partially sighted people, and residents walking with young children in prams"; |
(f) all Sheffielders are pedestrians at some point of every journey; |
(g) the Council’s cross-party Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Investment Plan (WWCIP), particularly its strong focus on neighbourhood improvements and creating safer routes for walking, wheeling, and cycling, prioritising community-led design to ensure investments align with local needs and projects to improve access to areas of employment and education establishments, and reduce transport-related social exclusion; |
(h) the 2020 road policing report by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services found an absence of effective road safety strategies and highlighted that an increase in numbers killed and injured coincided with a decrease in the amount that the police spent on roads policing; |
(i) the Council has committed to a “Vision Zero” type approach to significantly reduce the yearly average of 357 people killed and seriously injured on Sheffield’s roads; |
(j) that Operation ParkSafe was cancelled following a successful pilot scheme with almost 900 reports of parking obstruction submitted in 12 months; |
believes that:- |
(k) making Sheffield a Pedestrian Friendly City will have environmental, health and financial benefits for everyone; |
(l) making Sheffield a truly Pedestrian Friendly City will require the Council to lead on action across services in terms of investment, enforcement and better working practices, such as: |
(i) ensuring pavements are kept clear of litter, fly-tipping, bins, leaves and ice, including supporting community activity such as litter pickers and snow wardens; |
(ii) enforcing illegal or dangerous parking, especially on pavements and dropped kerbs, where it limits access for disabled people; |
(iii) looking for pedestrian improvements such as more road crossings and more 20mph zones in residential areas; |
(iv) inclusive mobility practices as outlined by the Royal National Institute for Blind People such as tactile paving surfaces and accessible crossings; |
(v) removing physical obstacles to pedestrians in footways; |
(vi) improving signage for walking routes; and |
(vii) rolling out Liveable (low traffic) Neighbourhoods where they are supported by local communities that would be impacted; |
resolves to:- |
(m) ask the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee to include the above in its WWCIP, with Sheffield aiming to become a Pedestrian-Friendly City; |
(n) support the cross-party Police and Crime Panel in scrutinising the Mayor’s emerging Police And Crime Plan, recognising the active role Panel members play in advising the Mayor and promoting Sheffield’s priorities, including road safety; |
(o) ask the South Yorkshire Police and Mayor to prioritise and properly fund road safety, and to improve accessibility for pedestrians, including reversing the decision to abandon Operation Parksafe; |
(p) support the cross-committee working group proposed to be established by the Transport, Regeneration and Climate and Waste and Street Scene Policy Committees, which will aim to work with parking services and the police to eliminate obstructive parking and reduce road danger for all walkers, wheelers and cyclists; and |
(q) ask the Government to give Mayors and Police and Crime Commissioners devolved powers to fund the cost of the administration of programmes like Operation ParkSafe from penalty notices issued through the scheme, and accordingly, asks the Leader of the Council to forward the motion to the Government and to the South Yorkshire Mayor. |
6.6.1 |
(NOTE: The result of the vote on the Substantive Motion was FOR - 74 Members; AGAINST - 0 Members; ABSTENTIONS – 1 Member. Although Labour Group Members voted for, they abstained from voting on sub-paragraph (l)(vii) and on paragraphs (o) and (q) of the Substantive Motion. Although Sheffield Community Councillors Group Members voted for, they voted against paragraphs (c), (g) and (n) of the Substantive Motion.) |