Agenda item

Update on Charitable Site Operations in Parks and Countryside

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services



This report updates the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee on the charitable green spaces in Sheffield and how the operational functions are carried out for each site.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee:-


1.     notes the contents of this report; and


2.     supports the continued work to further review operations in support of the maintenance of charitable green spaces in Sheffield.




Reasons for Decision




Alternative Option 1:

Do Nothing

This option was rejected as there was the potential that the trustee has in effect, been acting in breach of trust. It is essential that before any decision is made in respect of any of the sites referred to above the necessary due diligence is undertaken in order to fully inform the trustee so that they can make a decision that is in the best interest of the charity.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




It has been confirmed by the Charity Commission that the trustee has been acting in breach of trust by not having a formal arrangement in place to regulate the use of Norton Nurseries as an operational base for non-charitable sites. This has prompted us to begin investigating whether similar arrangements exist elsewhere in other charitable sites. This update sets out the work that has been completed to date and sets out what the next stages will be.




The Head of Parks and Countryside presented a report that updated Members on the charitable green spaces in Sheffield and how the operational functions were carried out for each site. Members commented that the work so far had demonstrated how difficult it was to separate the Council’s work in charitable and non-charitable sites.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Charity Trustee Sub-Committee:-


1.     notes the contents of this report; and


2.     supports the continued work to further review operations in support of the maintenance of charitable green spaces in Sheffield.




Reasons for Decision




Alternative Option 1:

Do Nothing

This option was rejected as there was the potential that the trustee has in effect, been acting in breach of trust. It is essential that before any decision is made in respect of any of the sites referred to above the necessary due diligence is undertaken in order to fully inform the trustee so that they can make a decision that is in the best interest of the charity.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




It has been confirmed by the Charity Commission that the trustee has been acting in breach of trust by not having a formal arrangement in place to regulate the use of Norton Nurseries as an operational base for non-charitable sites. This has prompted us to begin investigating whether similar arrangements exist elsewhere in other charitable sites. This update sets out the work that has been completed to date and sets out what the next stages will be.


Supporting documents: