Presentation on Nature for Health (Green Prescribing)
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Councillor Holmshaw introduced Cassa Townsend (Green Social Prescribing Programme Co-ordinator) and Lucy Graham (Sheffield Communities Officer) from Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust. They gave a presentation on ‘Green Social Prescribing’ (published on Sheffield City Council’s website. Agenda for Central Local Area Committee on Thursday 3 October 2024, 6.00 pm | Sheffield City Council)
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Cassa Townsend explained that Green Social Prescribing was the practice of supporting people to engage in nature based or outdoor interventions and activities to improve their mental health. South Yorkshire was one of seven national sites funded by the Government to find solutions for people with mental health issues. The Funding was predominantly given to the Voluntary Sector in the form of grants to provide activities to support people with their mental health. Meaningful activities were also organised and run by grass root clubs across South Yorkshire.
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Fishing and gardening were given as examples of outdoor green activities and the positive effect on the participant was described. Cassa explained that they also investigated any barriers, and ways to overcome them for the public to access the activities.
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Lucy Graham explained that ‘Nature Recovery Sheffield’ and ‘Nature Recovery Rotherham’ was born out of communities wanting to take action and be heard with regard to their community green spaces. Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust helped facilitate this and offered support to communities. This ‘movement’ was funded by ‘Community Fund’. Lucy presented a map to the meeting which showed where activities were taking place. Currently there were 1800 people signed up to the movement.