To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public.
20.1 |
The Committee received the following questions from a member of the public, which had been provided in advance of the meeting but after the deadline: -
(a) Mike Hodson
1. What has happened to the promised SW LAC website that was supposed to help inform the public about issues discussed and decisions made at the quarterly meetings etc.
Tania Bustamante, South West LAC Community Services Manager, advised that the project had taken longer than originally anticipated because the existing Council website did not have the necessary functionality so a microsite had been developed. The content for this was all ready and was hoped that it would be live by December.
2. How are questions and issues raised at the LAC meetings, and during the breakout discussions, recorded by Councillors and/or Officers; and how is feedback on these provided to the attendees and to the wider public?
Tania Bustamante advised that the LAC team had the notes taken and feedback gathered on feedback forms. This was put together into a document and shared with Committee members, and the intention was to begin to put this online when the microsite was ready. All feedback and suggestions received were valuable and were used to inform the community plan and workplan.
3. The Minutes of the last LAC meeting mention the intention to link up [or link up with?] community, voluntary and youth [and perhaps faith?] groups. How is that to be progressed?
Tania Bustamante advised that she would contact Mr Hodson to discuss this further.