Agenda item

Tenants and Residents Domestic Abuse Policy for Housing

Report of the Executive Director – Neighbourhood Services



Members considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services seeking approval of a Domestic Abuse Policy for the Housing service. The Policy includes clear standards that set out our response to domestic abuse. It sets clear expectations and provides clarity for partners agencies, tenants and residents of the city. Approval of the Policy is essential to continuing work with the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) and is of benefit to our tenants.





RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-



1.     Approves the Housing Domestic Abuse Policy in the form attached at Appendix A.

2.     Notes that approval of the Housing Domestic Abuse Policy is essential to continuing work with the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA).




Reasons for Decision


The recommendation is for the Housing Policy Committee to approve the

Policy for use.






Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Alternative Option 1: Continue to use the Domestic Abuse

procedure only. The Housing Service currently has a Domestic Abuse procedure in



Limitations/why this option was rejected: This would not satisfy the requirement of the Regular of Social Housing, who detail that registered providers must have a Policy for how they recognise and effectively respond to cases of domestic abuse. Furthermore, by producing and publishing a Policy, the Council is committing itself to openness and transparency regarding the Housing Service’s commitment and response to Domestic Abuse.




Councillor Chaplin and Woodcock left the meeting.




Members considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhood Services seeking approval of a Domestic Abuse Policy for the Housing service. The Policy includes clear standards that set out our response to domestic abuse. It sets clear expectations and provides clarity for partners agencies, tenants and residents of the city. Approval of the Policy is essential to continuing work with the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) and is of benefit to our tenants.





RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-



1.     Approves the Housing Domestic Abuse Policy in the form attached at Appendix A.

2.     Notes that approval of the Housing Domestic Abuse Policy is essential to continuing work with the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA).




Reasons for Decision


The recommendation is for the Housing Policy Committee to approve the

Policy for use.






Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Alternative Option 1: Continue to use the Domestic Abuse

procedure only. The Housing Service currently has a Domestic Abuse procedure in



Limitations/why this option was rejected: This would not satisfy the requirement of the Regular of Social Housing, who detail that registered providers must have a Policy for how they recognise and effectively respond to cases of domestic abuse. Furthermore, by producing and publishing a Policy, the Council is committing itself to openness and transparency regarding the Housing Service’s commitment and response to Domestic Abuse.


Supporting documents: