Agenda item

The City Deal for Skills

Report of the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families.



The Cabinet received a report of the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families which provided information regarding the successful City Deal submission and sought approval to develop, on behalf of the Sheffield City Region (SCR), a £27.8m skills programme.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





approves the City Deal for Skills programme developed in line with its  corporate plan objectives;






agrees that Sheffield City Council will act as the lead body for the skills programme on behalf of the Local Enterprise Partnership and the other local authorities within city-region boundaries;






recognises and approves that any income received in advance, due to the time lag between receipt of the funding and the spending on the programme, as explained in the body of this report,  will be required to be ‘carried forward’ to future years and should not be considered to be an under spend in-year. This amount will be highlighted in the monthly budget monitoring reports for approval; and






grants delegated authority to the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility  for Business Skills and Development and Director of Legal Services, to accept and administer the City Deal fund, procure the services required to deliver its related outcomes and agree the terms and award the associated contracts.




Reasons for Decision




The recommendations outlined will allow the city to secure £27.8m from the Skills Funding Agency on behalf of the Sheffield City Region and provide young people and adults across Sheffield and the city-region with sustainable employment opportunities as well as improving their skills up to level 3.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




A range of options have been considered but due to the very low level of funding they would attract they could not deliver the impact required to address the level of youth unemployment and skill shortages currently being experienced in the SCR economy.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision

Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing.




The Cabinet received a report of the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families which provided information regarding the successful City Deal submission and sought approval to develop, on behalf of the Sheffield City Region (SCR), a £27.8m skills programme.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





approves the City Deal for Skills programme developed in line with its  corporate plan objectives;






agrees that Sheffield City Council will act as the lead body for the skills programme on behalf of the Local Enterprise Partnership and the other local authorities within city-region boundaries;






recognises and approves that any income received in advance, due to the time lag between receipt of the funding and the spending on the programme, as explained in the body of this report,  will be required to be ‘carried forward’ to future years and should not be considered to be an under spend in-year. This amount will be highlighted in the monthly budget monitoring reports for approval; and






grants delegated authority to the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility  for Business Skills and Development and Director of Legal Services, to accept and administer the City Deal fund, procure the services required to deliver its related outcomes and agree the terms and award the associated contracts.




Reasons for Decision




The recommendations outlined will allow the city to secure £27.8m from the Skills Funding Agency on behalf of the Sheffield City Region and provide young people and adults across Sheffield and the city-region with sustainable employment opportunities as well as improving their skills up to level 3.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




A range of options have been considered but due to the very low level of funding they would attract they could not deliver the impact required to address the level of youth unemployment and skill shortages currently being experienced in the SCR economy.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision

Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing.


Supporting documents: