Agenda item

Highways Issues



David Luck, Community Assembly Manager, reported as follows:-







There was a commitment to funding at least one 20 mph zone per Community Assembly up to a value of £40,000 and this was to be delivered between 2012 and 2014.  This would cover signs and markings only and Members were considering options at Hackenthorpe and Charnock in more detail. 








Amey had been appointed as contractor for the Streets Ahead PFI (Private Finance Initiative) Project.  The agreement was for Amey to bring the City’s highways up to an agreed standard over a 5 year period and maintain them over a period of 25 years.  The work would include lighting, signage and trees as well as the highway and there would be a phased approach with all aspects covered at the same time.  Residents would be given notice of when any works were to take place.






RESOLVED: That the South East Community Assembly notes the information reported.