Agenda item

North East Youth Forum Presentation



Six members of the North East Youth Forum gave a presentation on their work which explained what the Forum was, gave details of the training and session work in which it was involved and provided information on the activities it had undertaken and planned to undertake.  Information was also provided on the Forum’s Action Plan, with particular reference being made to the Youth Conference and North East Oscars.  The Forum’s key priorities were outlined, together with details of how young people could get involved in its work.




Responses were provided to questions as follows:-




·               The North East Youth Forum operated alongside the Youth Council.




·               In order to integrate Roma young people, all documents produced were translated into the appropriate languages and one of the workshops, held as part of the Youth Conference, was focused on raising awareness of cultural diversity.




·               In order to involve 13-19 year olds, Forum representatives could visit schools and colleges, presentations could be given at appropriate venues and publicity and consultation, to determine the needs of that age group, could be carried out.




·               The responses which had been received to questionnaires circulated amongst young people in the area, would enable the Forum to signpost young people to activities in which they wished to be involved.  It was an important part of the work of the Forum to find out about appropriate events and publicise them.




The Assembly thanked the young people for their presentation and looked forward to the Forum’s continued involvement in the Assembly’s work.