Agenda item

Olympics Debrief

Presentation by Gary Clifton, Major Sports Events and 2012 Programme Manager



Gary Clifton, Major Sports Events and 2012 Programme Manager, gave a presentation on the benefits of the 2012 Olympic Games for Sheffield and the 2013 Major Events Programme.  The presentation highlighted the benefits which would not have accrued to the City without the Games, the 2012 successes, high performance success and events such as the Torch Relay.  Specific reference was also made to the legacy for the City and the crucial role played by the City’s partners in achieving these successes.  The Committee was also informed of the highlights of the 2013 Major Events Programme.




Members made various comments and asked a number of questions in relation to the presentation, to which responses were provided as follows:-




·               The issue raised regarding the installation of table tennis tables will be referred to the Cabinet Member for Culture, Sport and Leisure.




·               The £30 million economic benefit to the City was measured in terms of the number of training camps and additional sporting events, the presence of GB high performance sports being based in the City and the selection of Sheffield as a National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine, over the past four years of the Lighting the Flame project.




·               The various GB Sports Associations were presently going through a funding dialogue with UK Sport, with the outcome of these discussions deciding what each of them could do.  The funding cycles lasted four years and were determined by medal success and those teams which had most funding would be targeted in relation to them using the City’s facilities.




·               With regard to specific issues raised regarding imposing a charge for the Park Run in Graves Park and the provision of indoor bowls facilities, these could be considered for discussion at a future Committee meeting.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       notes the contents of the presentation; and




(b)       thanks Gary Clifton, Major Sports Events and 2012 Programme Manager, and his team for their work in making the most of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games for the City.


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