Agenda item

'How Did We Do?' - Sheffield's Local Account of Adult Social Care Services 2012

Howard Middleton, Development Manager, Planning and Performance, Communities, Sheffield City Council, to report



The Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Communities Portfolio, on Sheffield’s first Local Account of Adult Social Care Services. 




Howard Middleton, Development Manager, Planning and Performance, Communities, introduced the report and referred to the booklet ‘How Did We Do?’ – Sheffield’s Adult Social Care Service 2012, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, stating that the booklet was still in draft form, and welcomed Members’ comments on its format and contents prior to final print in December, 2012.




Mr Middleton stated that from this year, all Councils must produce a Local Account of how their Adult Social Care and Support Services were performing, which would comprise an annual report to the public, providing information on the performance of such services, together with details on priorities and outcomes.  The need to produce a Local Account had come about following the Department of Health’s framework for Adult Social Care, published in 2011, which confirmed the intention to open up information on Adult Social Care and to make available more information on what Councils achieved for local people.




Members of the Committee and representatives of LINk raised questions and the following responses were provided:-




·               There were approximately 20 people on the Readers Group, who had helped to shape the contents of the booklet and Howard Middleton had met individually with members of the Group to discuss the contents in more detail. 




·               The draft booklet had also been tabled at the Quality Live event which had been commissioned by the Service Improvement Forum, and at which approximately 70 people had attended. 




·               Though the report is essentially the Council’s account of adult social care performance, councils across the region had agreed some common features for future editions, including providing the opportunity for HealthWatch to be included in its production.




·               It was acknowledged that there were no pictures of older people on the front of the booklet, and arrangements would be made to ensure an older person was featured on one of the small photographs on the front page.




·               It was appreciated that some people may consider that details of negative issues, such as areas of poor performance, were ‘hidden’ in the booklet, so future editions would focus on how such issues had been addressed.




·               Whilst one of the case studies featured someone with a learning disability in employment, it was acknowledged that the report could make a better link between this personal story and general progress on supporting people with learning disabilities into employment.




·               Whilst the booklet was considered to be reasonably easy to read, consideration would be given to producing an “easy read” version to make sure the booklet was accessible for all.




·               In terms of the contents appearing too general, officers would look at including specific themes or focuses in future editions.




·               Contact would be made with the Sheffield Institute for the Blind in terms of including the contents of the booklet on their Talking News.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       notes the contents of the report now submitted, the contents of the draft booklet ‘How Did We Do?’ now circulated, and the responses to the questions raised;




(b)       requests that the issues now raised in terms of the contents of the booklet, as part of the question and answer session, be referred to Howard Middleton, for consideration in the final print in December 2012; and




(c)     agrees to include early consideration of items for the 2013 report, as part of its Work Programme.




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