Agenda item

Work Programme and Cabinet Forward Plan

Report of the Scrutiny Policy Officer



The Scrutiny Policy Officer submitted a report containing the draft Work Programme for the Committee, together with the latest version of the Cabinet Forward Plan.




Arising therefrom, Emily Standbrook-Shaw reported that (a) a report on the ‘Right First Time’ programme was scheduled to be submitted to the Committee’s meeting to be held in January 2013 and (b) she would hopefully be arranging a meeting of the Nutrition and Hydration in Hospitals Working Group in December 2012, and raised the issue as to whether a representative from the Sheffield Children’s Hospital should be included on the Working Group.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       notes the contents of the report now submitted, together with the additional information now reported; and




(b)       agrees that the Sheffield Children’s Hospital should not be represented on the Nutrition and Hydration in Hospitals Working Group on the basis that the Working Group should focus mainly on the needs and requirements of older people, but that the Hospital should be given an opportunity to have an input to the work of the Working Group through a desktop review????


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