Agenda item

Highway Schemes in the Northern Community Assembly for 2012/13

Report of the Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services and the Northern Community Assembly Manager



The Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services and the Northern Community Assembly Manager submitted a joint report which set out an amendment to the approved methodology for spending the Assembly’s allocation for Highway Schemes in 2012/13.  The amendment was to add the High Green North 20 mph Area as a third large scheme.




RESOLVED: That the Northern Community Assembly approves the revised spending methodology for highway funding to include the High Green North 20 mph Area.




Reasons for Decision




The High Green North 20 mph Area was an Assembly priority which it hoped would be chosen as one of those to be implemented using central funding.




Cabinet Highways Committee, in September decided to prioritise the Spinkhall area of Stocksbridge, which was the Assembly’s nomination.  Accordingly, the Assembly has now reassessed its spending to allow the High Green North scheme to be funded from its own highway funds.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The Assembly has considered it priorities for spending and has tried to strike a balanced approach to dealing with requests for changes on the roads within its area.




At this time, the Streets Ahead project is active in only a small part of the Assembly area.  The Assembly has chosen to allocate funding to two large schemes to realise greater benefit.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted




None declared.




Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration




Not applicable.




Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place Portfolio




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




The relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee to consider a call-in of the decision would be, in this instance, the Economic and Environmental Wellbeing Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee.








Signed by:   ……………………………………………….

                     (Chair, Northern Community Assembly)



Date:  ……………………………………………………




The Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services and the Northern Community Assembly Manager submitted a joint report which set out an amendment to the approved methodology for spending the Assembly’s allocation for Highway Schemes in 2012/13.  The amendment was to add the High Green North 20 mph Area as a third large scheme.




Public Questions




Responses were provided to public questions as follows:-




·               The High Green North Scheme would fit the amount of funding available and the need for it was backed up by statistics.  The Council had its own programme for 20 mph areas, which would be introduced on a worst first basis, so other areas may be included as a result.  Ward Councillors were in favour of the scheme and there were two schools within its area.  The other part of High Green was high on the priority list, but the Assembly did not have the funding to introduce a 20 mph scheme in that area.




·               Greengate Lane was a C class road and as such was not under consideration for inclusion in a 20 mph zone.  Roads would be considered for inclusion if there were high numbers of accidents.  It may be possible to introduce some measures as part of the Streets Ahead works, which were due to take place in 2014.  Ultimately, it was up to local Members to lobby for these schemes.




·               A reduction of the speed limit on Ecclesfield Road was not a priority for this financial year.  Statistics showed that there had been 12 accidents in the last 5 years, but there had been no pedestrian accidents since a crossing had been installed within the 40 mph limit area.  The Assembly had wanted to lower the speed limit to 30 mph, but the South Yorkshire Police had objected as it was felt that the character of the road warranted a 40 mph speed limit.  If the Police’s objection was ignored, then the Council may be held partly responsible for any consequent incidents or it may be that the Police would not enforce a 30 mph speed limit.  National guidance indicated that speed limits which drivers did not understand should not be introduced and there was little activity on Ecclesfield Road other than the school.  It could also be said that having unrealistic speed limits encouraged people to break the law.




·               The Assembly awaited the Coroner’s report on the fatal road accident which had occurred on Ecclesfield Road.




·               The Chair, Councillor Garry Weatherall, was due to meet with the Headteacher of Ecclesfield School and would take up the issue of pupils not crossing Ecclesfield Road in a safe and orderly manner.




Decision Taken




RESOLVED: That the Northern Community Assembly approves the revised spending methodology for highway funding to include the High Green North 20 mph Area.




Reasons for Decision




The High Green North 20 mph Area was an Assembly priority which it hoped would be chosen as one of those to be implemented using central funding.




Cabinet Highways Committee, in September, decided to prioritise the Spinkhall area of Stocksbridge, which was the Assembly’s nomination.  Accordingly, the Assembly has now reassessed its spending to allow the High Green North scheme to be funded from its own highway funds.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The Assembly had considered its priorities for spending and had tried to strike a balanced approach to dealing with requests for changes on the roads within its area.




At this time, the Streets Ahead project was active in only a small part of the Assembly area.  The Assembly had chosen to allocate funding to two large schemes to realise greater benefit.


Supporting documents: