Agenda item

School and College Attendance Strategy

Report of the Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families.



The Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, submitted a report which detailed the changes to the Local Authorities (LA) policy with regard to the delivery of Statutory Duties and to improve School Attendance.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet (a) notes the outcomes of the consultation on the draft Attendance Strategy now submitted; and




(b) approves (i) the new Sheffield Attendance Strategy including the five major themes and priorities and (ii) the implementation of the Attendance Strategy for the Children, Young People and Families Service, Schools and Partners.




Reasons for Decision




Improving school attendance and safeguarding children and young people is central to Sheffield’s Corporate Plan ambition of ensuring a better life for children and young people. The overall reason for the recommendations therefore is to improve school attendance which in turn will positively impact on life chances and educational outcomes for children and young people and keep them safe.  It will also enable Sheffield to improve its attendance position when compared to National, Statistical and Core City data.




Cabinet are asked therefore to approve a change in policy in relation to school attendance and our LA Statutory duties and responsibilities.  This change in policy reflects the changing role of the LA in relation to the support provided to school and the increasing expectation that schools will take an increased responsibility for this agenda.




The Local Authority will promote the five themes of the strategy with schools, families and partners to ensure that due process is followed and legal responsibilities are adhered to.




Schools - will adopt the recommendations in the attendance strategy which will support them to implement an early intervention approach, request additional support when required and contribute towards achieving a consistent approach across the city to improve school attendance and keep children safe.




Families - will have their support needs identified at an earlier stage, have access to high quality services and be supported to improve their children’s school attendance.








The only alternative considered was to re-launch the ‘Making a Mark’ strategy of 2002.  It was felt that this was an excellent strategy of its day in terms of standardising procedures, sharing good practice and raising the profile of the importance of raising school attendance.  As with most strategies the agenda required a refreshed approach from that of several years ago.




Also taken into consideration were the major changes to support services within the LAand the central position of schools being responsible for the attendance of children within their schools.




It had also been identified that there was a need to continually strengthen and improve the attendance for vulnerable groups of children.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Jayne Ludlam, Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Children, Young People and Families




The Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families, submitted a report which detailed the changes to the Local Authorities (LA) policy with regard to the delivery of Statutory Duties and to improve School Attendance.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet (a) notes the outcomes of the consultation on the draft Attendance Strategy now submitted; and




(b) approves (i) the new Sheffield Attendance Strategy including the five major themes and priorities and (ii) the implementation of the Attendance Strategy for the Children, Young People and Families Service, Schools and Partners.




Reasons for Decision




Improving school attendance and safeguarding children and young people is central to Sheffield’s Corporate Plan ambition of ensuring a better life for children and young people. The overall reason for the recommendations therefore is to improve school attendance which in turn will positively impact on life chances and educational outcomes for children and young people and keep them safe.  It will also enable Sheffield to improve its attendance position when compared to National, Statistical and Core City data.




Cabinet are asked therefore to approve a change in policy in relation to school attendance and our LA Statutory duties and responsibilities.  This change in policy reflects the changing role of the LA in relation to the support provided to school and the increasing expectation that schools will take an increased responsibility for this agenda.




The Local Authority will promote the five themes of the strategy with schools, families and partners to ensure that due process is followed and legal responsibilities are adhered to.




Schools - will adopt the recommendations in the attendance strategy which will support them to implement an early intervention approach, request additional support when required and contribute towards achieving a consistent approach across the city to improve school attendance and keep children safe.




Families - will have their support needs identified at an earlier stage, have access to high quality services and be supported to improve their children’s school attendance.








The only alternative considered was to re-launch the ‘Making a Mark’ strategy of 2002.  It was felt that this was an excellent strategy of its day in terms of standardising procedures, sharing good practice and raising the profile of the importance of raising school attendance.  As with most strategies the agenda required a refreshed approach from that of several years ago.




Also taken into consideration were the major changes to support services within the LAand the central position of schools being responsible for the attendance of children within their schools.




It had also been identified that there was a need to continually strengthen and improve the attendance for vulnerable groups of children.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Jayne Ludlam, Executive Director, Children, Young People and Families




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Children, Young People and Families


Supporting documents: