Agenda item

Applications Under Various Acts/Regulations

Report of the Director of Development Services



RESOLVED: That (a) the applications now submitted for permission to develop land under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Regulations made thereunder and for consent under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1989, be decided, granted or refused as stated in the report to this Committee for this date in respect of Case No. 12/03326/FUL and other applications considered be amended as in the minutes of this meeting, and the requisite notices issued; the granting of any permission or consent shall not constitute approval, permission or consent by this Committee or the Council for any other purpose;




(b) notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation, an application for planning permission for alterations to a door and window openings and use of the building as 6 flats at 102 Harcourt Road. (Case No. 12/03456/FUL) be refused, as the Committee considered that the development would provide a change of use, leading to overdevelopment and an over concentration of flats and shared housing in the area, which would have a detrimental impact on the community and as such was viewed to be contrary to policies H5 and H14 of the Unitary Development Plan;




(c) notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation, an application for planning permission for the retention of an existing boundary fence at 161 Psalter Lane (Case No. 12/03306/FUL) be granted, (i) as the Committee considered that the development was not out of character within the Nether Edge Conservation Area with other examples of such fencing erected at properties within the area and as such was not contrary to Policies BE15, BE16, and H14  of the Unitary Development Plan and (ii) with a condition attached requiring details to be submitted for approval by the Local Planning Authority, on the planting of a climbing plant to the front of the fence;




(d) an application for planning permission for the demolition of a storage building and erection of two dwellings, including construction of a temporary access road at Fern Glen Farm, Hathersage Road (Case No. 12/03177/FUL) be deferred, to allow the applicant to submit additional visual representations of the proposed development to the next meeting of this Committee;




(e) an application for listed building consent for the demolition of the Edwardian extension of the former Jessop Hospital for Women and the construction of a five storey plus basement building, to provide up to 19,725sqm of educational floorspace, plus landscaping and servicing at Leavy Greave Road (Case No. 12/02873/LBC) be granted, conditionally, subject to clearance by the Secretary of State;




(f) an application for planning permission for the demolition of the Edwardian extension of the former Jessop Hospital for Women and the construction of a five storey plus basement building, to provide up to 19,725sqm of educational floorspace, plus landscaping and servicing at Leavy Greave Road (Case No. 12/02873/FUL) be granted, conditionally, subject to (i) an amendment to (A) Condition 3 in respect of highway improvements, (B) Condition 6 in respect of securing the reconstruction of the footways adjoining the site, (C) Condition 8 in respect of cycle parking accommodation, (D) Condition 10 in respect of a hard and soft landscaping scheme, (E) Condition 14 in respect of the finalised gas protection measures, (F) Condition 21 in respect of surface water drainage and (G) Condition 22 in respect of the inclusion of public art within the development and (ii) an additional condition being attached in respect of the piped discharge of surface water, all as detailed in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting;




(g) having noted information provided by officers concerning the need to limit the throughput of the proposed plant to ensure emission levels are maintained within an acceptable level, as detailed in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting, an application for planning permission for the erection of a rail connected aggregates depot with a coated roadstone plant, a ready-mixed concrete plant and an aggregate recycling facility at Unit 3 Europa Way (Case No. 12/02771/FUL) be granted, conditionally, subject to an additional condition concerning the limit on the output from the coated roadstone plant, as detailed in the aforementioned supplementary report;




(h) in connection with the decision to refuse an application for planning permission to lower a dry stone wall and the erection of 1.4 metre fencing panels on top at 8 Thornsett Gardens (Case No. 12/02245/FUL), the Director of Development Services or Head of Planning be authorised to take all appropriate action including, if necessary, enforcement action and the institution of legal proceedings to secure the removal of the fence at 8 Thornsett Gardens;




(i) in connection with the decision to grant, conditionally, an application for planning permission for the retention of a external flue and incinerator at 34 Tannery Street (Case No. 12/02135/FUL), the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Chair, be requested to write to the Manager of the Environmental Protection Service requesting that the concern now raised over the incinerator waste odours affecting a nearby property at night be investigated at the earliest opportunity; and




(j) an application for planning permission under Section 73 in respect of removing/altering Condition 8 (No amplified music) imposed by Case No. 04/04689/FUL, to allow amplified music within the building, subject to the findings of an acoustic report, at Mylnhurst Preparatory School and Nursery at Button Hill (Case No. 12/01891/FUL), be granted with conditions.




(Note: The aforementioned application in respect of Mylnhurst Preparatory School and Nursery at Button Hill (Case No. 12/011891/FUL) was considered consecutively with a report of the Director of Development Services concerning a Breach of Planning Control at the School (Item 8 of the minutes))


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