Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public



No petitions were submitted by members of the public.




Mr Mike Simpkin, Sheffield Save Our NHS Group, referred to the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and the possible consequences for the LIFT PFI scheme that belonged to the Community First Sheffield Board and would transfer to the new NHS Property Company. He asked if the Committee felt that local interest would be adequately represented on the Board and whether the rental from those schemes would go out of Sheffield.




Councillor Mick Rooney, Chair of the Committee, indicated that he had received Mr Simpkin’s questions prior to the meeting and was awaiting a response from the Council’s Legal Services.




Tim Furness, Chief of Business, Planning and Partnerships, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group indicated that the NHS did not receive rental on any buildings and there would be no loss of income to Sheffield from the transfer of the buildings. He asked that if Mr Simpkin wrote to him he would receive a written response.