Agenda item

Housing Strategy 2013-23

Report of the Executive Director, Place.



The Executive Director, Place, submitted a report setting out the Council’s Housing Strategy for 2013-2023 setting Sheffield City Council’s

approach to housing in all tenures and in all areas of the City. The Strategy would be supported by an Action Plan which would be refreshed every three years to make it responsive to the local and national housing landscape but will be guided by the overarching themes and priorities of the Strategy.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





endorses the Housing Strategy 2013-23 as a statement of

the City’s housing priorities; and






approves the accompanying 2013-16 Housing Strategy

Action Plan.





Reasons for Decision




To enable the Council to set out a clear vision and delivery plan for

housing and housing services which will help the Council to achieve its

ambitions to create a Great Place to Live and Sustainable Communities.




The new Housing Strategy will help our partners, funders and residents

understand our housing ambitions for new and existing homes in the city

and the housing services provided for Sheffield’s residents. In addition, it

will enable them to consider and develop their own opportunities to deliver

this shared vision.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Although local authorities do not have a statutory duty to produce a

housing strategy, previous government guidance has urged local

authorities to take a more strategic approach to housing as part of

their place shaping role.




Without a current housing strategy there will be no clear vision for

Sheffield’s housing that can be shared with partners, residents and

funding bodies. In the past, funding bodies have requested to see

the housing strategy as part of their decision making process. The

lack of a strategy will also make it more difficult to develop a

strategic approach to investment that amounts to millions of pounds

over the life of the strategy.




Any benefit gained from not allocating resources to develop a

strategy and monitor its action plan would be outweighed by the

cost incurred through not developing a joined up strategic approach

to housing policy and investment decisions. Progress updates of

the strategy’s action plan will also help to ensure that housing

priorities that have been identified by partners and residents will be regularly monitored and reported on.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place.




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Safer and Stronger Communities.




The Executive Director, Place, submitted a report setting out the Council’s Housing Strategy for 2013-2023 setting Sheffield City Council’s

approach to housing in all tenures and in all areas of the City. The Strategy would be supported by an Action Plan which would be refreshed every three years to make it responsive to the local and national housing landscape but will be guided by the overarching themes and priorities of the Strategy.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





endorses the Housing Strategy 2013-23 as a statement of

the City’s housing priorities; and






approves the accompanying 2013-16 Housing Strategy

Action Plan.





Reasons for Decision




To enable the Council to set out a clear vision and delivery plan for

housing and housing services which will help the Council to achieve its

ambitions to create a Great Place to Live and Sustainable Communities.




The new Housing Strategy will help our partners, funders and residents

understand our housing ambitions for new and existing homes in the city

and the housing services provided for Sheffield’s residents. In addition, it

will enable them to consider and develop their own opportunities to deliver

this shared vision.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Although local authorities do not have a statutory duty to produce a

housing strategy, previous government guidance has urged local

authorities to take a more strategic approach to housing as part of

their place shaping role.




Without a current housing strategy there will be no clear vision for

Sheffield’s housing that can be shared with partners, residents and

funding bodies. In the past, funding bodies have requested to see

the housing strategy as part of their decision making process. The

lack of a strategy will also make it more difficult to develop a

strategic approach to investment that amounts to millions of pounds

over the life of the strategy.




Any benefit gained from not allocating resources to develop a

strategy and monitor its action plan would be outweighed by the

cost incurred through not developing a joined up strategic approach

to housing policy and investment decisions. Progress updates of

the strategy’s action plan will also help to ensure that housing

priorities that have been identified by partners and residents will be regularly monitored and reported on.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place.




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Safer and Stronger Communities.


Supporting documents: