Agenda item


To consider any changes to the memberships and arrangements for meetings of Committees etc., delegated authority, and the appointment of representatives to serve on other bodies



RESOLVED: On the Motion of Councillor Pat Midgley, seconded by Councillor Gill Furniss, that this Council:-


(a)  in accordance with the provisions of The NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012 and as set out the arrangements for the handling and consideration of complaints in respect of health as well as who should be responsible for complaints arrangements:-


(i)            confirms the Chief Executive as the designated “Responsible Person” to be responsible for ensuring compliance with the arrangements under the Regulations, and in particular ensuring that the action is taken in light of the outcome of the complaint;


(ii)          authorises the duties and responsibilities of the Chief Executive as the Responsible Person to be undertaken by such officer as the Chief Executive determines;


(iii)         confirms the Complaints Manager (Customer Services) as the designated “Complaints Manager” pursuant to the Regulations responsible for managing the procedures for handling and considering complaints in accordance with those Regulations.




(b) notes that, in accordance with the authority given by the City Council at its annual meeting held on 16th May 2012, the Chief Executive had authorised the following appointment:-




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee


Councillor Jillian Creasy to replace Councillor Robert Murphy




(c)   notes the resignation, with effect from 25th January 2013, of Paulette Kennedy from her role as a Parent Governor representative on the Children, Young People and Family Support Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee.


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