Agenda item

Central Community Assembly Highways Budget 2012/13 - Final Update

Joint report of the Community Assembly Highways Link Manager and the Community Assembly Manager



The Community Assembly Highways Link Manager and the Community Assembly Manager submitted a joint report providing a final update on the schemes chosen and progress made in respect of the allocation of funding from the Community Assembly’s Highways Budget 2012/13, including details on the corporately-funded 20mph zone chosen by the Assembly and the works funded to compliment the Streets Ahead Programme.




RESOLVED: That the Community Assembly notes the progress made on the chosen Highway Small Schemes for 2012/13 and the emerging influence of the Streets Ahead Programme of Highway Maintenance Treatment.




Reasons for Decision




The purpose of the Highways Budget is to respond to local requests for highway improvements.  Traffic and parking is one of the Central Assembly Community Plan priorities.  The 2012/13 budget of £40,000 only allowed for small schemes to be implemented in this financial year, but the report gives a progress update on all the schemes chosen.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




No alternative options have been considered as this report provides an update on decisions previously made.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration




Not applicable




Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




The relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee to consider a call-in of the decision would be, in this instance, the Economic and Environmental Wellbeing Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee.




The Community Assembly Highways Link Manager and the Community Assembly Manager submitted a joint report providing a final update on the schemes chosen and progress made in respect of the allocation of funding from the Community Assembly’s Highways Budget 2012/13, including details on the corporately-funded 20mph zone chosen by the Assembly and the works funded to compliment the Streets Ahead Programme.




Public Questions




Members of the public raised questions and the following responses were provided:-




·                     It was hoped that, following the abolition of the Community Assembly, and the consequent funding in terms of the Speed Indication Devices (SIDs), the Council’s Highways Service would take ownership of the devices to ensure that they could be located at all the sites agreed by the Assembly.




·                     It was considered a disappointment that the Community Assembly had not been able to fund road narrowing at the junction of Crookes Valley Road and Harcourt Road, but the Community Assembly Team would ensure that the request is logged with the Highways Service.  It was believed that the Highways Service would retain a list of all the schemes which had been chosen by the Community Assembly to be funded, but a specific reminder regarding this particular scheme would be made to Highways officers.




·                     It was believed that the proposal to relocate the bus stop on South Road, outside the library, had been incorporated into the Walkley Traffic Scheme.




·                     The issue regarding enforcement of the 20 mph scheme implemented in the Hallowmoor Road area, would be a matter for the Police.  It was hoped that the implementation of this, and other 20 mph schemes in the City would bring about a change in driving culture.




Decision Taken




RESOLVED: That the Community Assembly notes the progress made on the chosen Highway Small Schemes for 2012/13 and the emerging influence of the Streets Ahead Programme of highway maintenance treatment.




Reasons for Decision




The purpose of the Highways Budget is to respond to local requests for highway improvements.  Traffic and parking is one of the Central Assembly Community Plan priorities.  The 2012/13 budget of £40,000 only allowed for small schemes to be implemented in this financial year, but the report gives a progress update on all the schemes chosen.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




No alternative options have been considered as this report provides an update on decisions previously made.


Supporting documents: