Agenda item

Consultation on Future of Area Working

The Community Assembly Manager to report



The Community Assembly Lead Director reported on the abolition of the Community Assemblies and on the consultation held, and the next phase of consultation, regarding the future of area working.




He stated that the Council had decided to remove Community Assemblies from its formal decision-making structure for budget reasons, but would retain the same geographical boundaries in order to build on the community work undertaken with Partner Panels.  The Council had allocated a sum of £300,000 for future Ward-based work. 




In terms of consultation already undertaken, it was stated that approximately 300 responses had been received to the Stage 1 consultation questionnaire, and that after analysis of the responses, there would be a further phase of consultation in terms of the framework to be implemented regarding the future arrangements.  This consultation would comprise a further questionnaire and meetings held in each of the seven Community Assembly areas, and would include the views of young people and BME communities.  In the meantime, the Community Assembly Teams would continue to work, providing a link between community groups and local residents and the Council, and in terms of mapping the community links to build up a database of information.




Members of the public raised questions and the following responses were provided:-




·                     It would not be clear, until after the second phase of the consultation, as to which of the Community Assembly’s functions would continue, and in what format. 




·                     A new team would be established, which would still be based within the Communities Portfolio, to undertake the functions to be determined following the consultation.




·                     The abolition of the Community Assemblies would result in savings of approximately £2 million per year, therefore the level of work undertaken by the new team would be much lower than in previous years.




·                     The second phase of consultation was to commence in April 2013, and end in May 2013, and any interested parties would be informed of the results of the consultation.




·                     It was accepted that a large proportion of the population still do not have access to the internet, so they would be encouraged to take part in the consultation by using other methods, such as by mail or through the media.




·                     Whilst the precise details of the arrangements in terms of area working would not be known until the outcome of the second phase of consultation, local residents could still contact their local Ward Councillor with any issues or problems.




RESOLVED: The Community Assembly notes the information now reported, together with the responses provided to the questions raised.