Agenda item

Birch Avenue and Woodland View - Feedback from Visits



The Policy Officer (Scrutiny) submitted a report summarising the issues raised with members of the Committee, together with responses from NHS Sheffield and the Sheffield Health and Social Care Foundation Trust, following the visits made by the Committee to Woodland View Care Home on 15th January, 2013 and Birch Avenue Care Home on 7th February, 2013.  The Committee had become involved with the care homes in 2011, following the proposal from NHS Sheffield to withdraw funding for the homes, which would have resulted in their closure.  The Committee had actively supported the campaign to keep the homes open, and had maintained a relationship with the relatives of residents in the homes and in 2012, the Committee decided to visit the homes to listen to staff, relatives and residents.




Rita Brookes, Friends and Relatives Association of Birch Avenue and Woodland View Care Homes, addressed the Committee, initially expressing her thanks, on behalf of Association, to the Committee for visiting the homes and for the report following the visits.  She stated that, whilst the Association welcomed the report, it still had concerns about the numbers of empty beds at the homes and, further to the responses provided by the Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), as set out in the report, such concerns had intensified.  She expressed concerns that only clients in receipt of Continuing Health Care (CHC) funding were referred to the homes, and that since November 2012, the Association had experienced, what they viewed, as a campaign to remove as many people as possible from  CHC funding, which they considered as very unfair.  This not only reduced their client base, but resulted in them not receiving enough referrals from CHC to fill vacancies.  This situation was exacerbated by the fact that they were aware that private homes were getting referrals for enhanced care. 


Despite the level of vacancies at the homes, there had been reports of planned remedial action by the CCG in terms of reducing the capacity of the homes permanently and reducing the number of beds.  The Association found this very difficult to understand, particularly when it had been made very clear to them that the number of dementia cases was increasing.  Ms. Brookes referred to the comments made by Tim Furness, Chief of Business, Planning and Partnerships, NHS Sheffield, at this Committee’s meeting held on 21st November, 2012, relating to the fact that there would be sufficient demand for places at the homes and that they would provide care 19% cheaper than other homes, and questioned what had happened for this situation to change.  She also expressed concerns regarding the possibility of the Council having to pick up the costs.  The Association had been approached for help by worried relatives of patients at the homes and had written to Eamon Harrigan, CCG, in January, 2013, but the responses received had not satisfied its concerns.  The Association was also awaiting news on a date for a meeting with Mr. Harrigan following their request made in February, 2013, to discuss their concerns.




Members of the Committee and representatives of Sheffield LINk made the following comments:-




·                     Concerns that the Association was not receiving any answers from the CCG regarding the CHC.




·                     Whilst there had been some changes in terms of referral procedures, the situation with regard to commissioning and the level of vacancies at the homes still remained a major issue.




·                     There was confusion as to why the cost of providing care at the homes had become more expensive, when the original forecasts indicated that such provision would be cheaper.




·                     It was considered that the levels of care and activities at the homes should be showcased as exemplars.




·                     Historically, Sheffield was one of the lowest funders of continuing health care, and it had become one of the highest funders.  There was a need to be satisfied that the assessments were being carried out correctly and to ensure that funding in respect of the care homes should be dictated by need and not any other means.




RESOLVED:  That the Committee:-





notes the contents of the report now submitted, the comments now made by Rita Brookes, representing the Friends and Relatives Association of Birch Avenue and Woodland View Care Homes, and the comments now made by Members; and






in the light of the concerns now raised, requests that representatives from the Clinical Commissioning Group and the Sheffield Health and Social Care Foundation Trust attend a future meeting of the Committee to respond to the Committee and the Friends and Relatives Association, specifically with regard to purchasing intentions and policy and practical issues with regard to the financial viability of the care homes.