Agenda item


Report of the Chief Executive on recommendations referred by the Cabinet at its meeting held on 27th February, 2013.




It was moved by Councillor Leigh Bramall, seconded by Councillor Harry Harpham, that the recommendations of the Cabinet at its meeting on 27th February 2013, concerning the Sheffield Local Plan: Pre-Submission Version of City Policies and Sites Document and Proposals Map, be confirmed.



RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





endorses the current version of the City Policies and Sites document and Proposals Map for publication;






refers this report and the documents to the next (non-budget) meeting of the full Council for approval for publication, invitation of formal representations and submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government; and






authorises the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with theCabinet Member with responsibility for Business Skills and Development to take all necessary procedural steps following the formal representations to enable the schedule of any changes to the document and Proposals Map to be submitted to the Secretary of State.”




Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor  Andrew Sangar, seconded by Councillor Sue Alston, as an amendment that the recommendations of the Cabinet at its meeting held on 27th February, 2013 in relation to the City Policies and Sites document and Proposals Map, be replaced by the following resolution:-




“That this Council opposes the allocation of green field land at Canterbury Crescent for up to fifteen houses, and therefore directs the Executive Director of Place to undertake further work on the report before submitting new proposals.”




On being put to the vote, the amendment was negatived.




It was then moved by Councillor David Baker, seconded by Councillor Katie Condliffe, as an amendment, that the recommendations of the Cabinet at its meeting held on 27th February, 2013 in relation to the City Policies and Sites document and Proposals Map, be replaced by the following resolution:-




“That this Council opposes the allocation of green field land at Worrall for up to fifty-five houses and green field land in Stannington for twenty houses, and therefore directs the Executive Director of Place to undertake further work on the report before submitting new proposals.”




On being put to the vote, the amendment was negatived.


It was moved by Councillor Ian Auckland, seconded by Councillor Denise Reaney, as an amendment, that the recommendations of the Cabinet at its meeting held on 27th February, 2013 in relation to the City Policies and Sites document and Proposals Map, be replaced by the following resolution:-




“That this Council opposes the allocation of green field land in Norton for up to fifty houses and designation as Housing Area of land at Norton Oakes, Norton, and therefore directs the Executive Director of Place to undertake further work on the report before submitting new proposals.”




On being put to the vote, the amendment was negatived.


It was moved by Councillor Alison Brelsford, seconded by Councillor Penny Baker, as an amendment that the recommendations of the Cabinet at its meeting held on 27th February, 2013 in relation to the City Policies and Sites document and Proposals Map, be replaced by the following resolution:-




“That this Council opposes the allocation of green field land in Oughtibridge for up to forty houses and green field land in Stocksbridge for fifty houses, and therefore directs the Executive Director of Place to undertake further work on the report before submitting new proposals.”




On being put to the vote, the amendment was negatived.




The original motion was then put to the vote and carried, as follows:-



RESOLVED:  That this Council:-




(a)       endorses the current version of the City Policies and Sites document and Proposals Map for publication;




(b)       gives approval for publication, invitation of formal representations and submission to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government; and




(c)        authorises the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with theCabinet Member with responsibility for Business, Skills and Development to take all necessary procedural steps following the formal representations to enable the schedule of any changes to the document and Proposals Map to be submitted to the Secretary of State.




(Note: Councillor Martin Lawton, having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to amendment 3 of the above item, took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.) 


Supporting documents: