Agenda item


Report of the Chief Executive on recommendations referred by the Cabinet at its meeting held on 20th March, 2013.




It was moved by Councillor Julie Dore, seconded by Councillor Leigh Bramall, that the recommendations of the Cabinet at its meeting on 20th March 2013, concerning the Sheffield City Region Authority be confirmed.


“RESOLVED: That Cabinet recommends to the City Council at its meeting on 3rd April, 2013 that it :-





endorses the findings of the Governance Review document referred to in Appendix 1, specifically that, establishing a SCR Authority would improve the exercise of statutory functions in relation to economic development, regeneration and transport in the SCR leading to an enhancement of the economic conditions and performance of the SCR;






endorses the submission to Government of a Scheme for the establishment of a Sheffield City Region Combined Authority on the basis of the draft annexed at Appendix 2 (the Scheme);






agrees that the City Council will formally become a constituent member of the SCR Authority, sharing appropriate economic development and transport powers with the SCR Authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 (LDEDCA) and the Local Transport Act 2008(LTA); and






authorises the Director of Legal and Governance to agree the terms of and enter into any documentation required to enable the City Council to become a constituent member of the SCR Authority.”



Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor Shaffaq Mohammed, seconded by Councillor Colin Ross, as an amendment, that the recommendations of the Cabinet at its meeting held on 20th March, 2013 in relation to the establishment of a Sheffield City Region Authority, be approved subject to the deletion of paragraphs (b) to (d) and the addition of a new paragraph (b) as follows:-




(b)       directs the Director of Legal & Governance to undertake further work to ensure the new bodies maintain political proportionality.




On being put to the vote, the amendment was negatived.




The votes on the amendment were ordered to be recorded and were as follows:-




For the amendment (20)


The Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Vickie Priestley) and Councillors Simon Clement-Jones, Shaffaq Mohammed, Robert Murphy, Jillian Creasy, Rob Frost, Sylvia Anginotti, Colin Ross, Joe Otten, Penny Baker, Diana Stimely, Roger Davison, Sue Alston, Andrew Sangar, Denise Reaney, Ian Auckland, Anders Hanson, Katie Condliffe, David Baker, and Alison Brelsford.






Against the amendment (54)


The Lord Mayor (Councillor John Campbell) and Councillors Julie Dore, John Robson, Jack Scott, Roy Munn, Clive Skelton, Ian Saunders, Chris Rosling Josephs, Helen Mirfin Boukouris, Bryan Lodge, Denise Fox, Karen McGowan, Jayne Dunn, Jackie Drayton, Ibrar Hussain, Talib Hussian, Mohammad Maroof, Geoff Smith, Mary Lea, Harry Harpham, Mazher Iqbal, Joyce Wright, Garry Weatherall, Sheila Constance, Chris Weldon, Alan Law, Steve Jones, Tim Rippon, Cate McDonald, George Lindars Hammond, Janet Bragg, Pat Midgley, Terry Fox, Tony Downing, David Barker, Isobel Bowler, Nikki Bond, Qurban Hussain, Lynn Rooney, Martin Lawton, Peter Price, Peter Rippon, Tony Damms, Leigh Bramall, Gill Furniss, Richard Crowther, Neale Gibson, Nikki Sharpe, Ben Curran, Adam Hurst, Alf Meade, Jackie Satur, Mick Rooney and Ray Satur.






Abstained on the amendment (1)


Councillor Keith Hill.






The original motion was then put to the vote and carried, as follows:-




RESOLVED:  That this Council:-




(a)       endorses the findings of the Governance Review document referred to in Appendix 1, specifically that, establishing a Sheffield City Region (SCR) Authority would improve the exercise of statutory functions in relation to economic development, regeneration and transport in the SCR leading to an enhancement of the economic conditions and performance of the SCR;




(b)       endorses the submission to Government of a Scheme for the establishment of a Sheffield City Region Combined Authority on the basis of the draft annexed at Appendix 2 (the Scheme);




(c)        agrees that the City Council will formally become a constituent member of the SCR Authority, sharing appropriate economic development and transport powers with the SCR Authority, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 (LDEDCA) and the Local Transport Act 2008(LTA); and




(d)       authorises the Director of Legal and Governance to agree the terms of and enter into any documentation required to enable the City Council to become a constituent member of the SCR Authority.



The votes on the above motion were ordered to be recorded and were as follows:-




For the motion(73)


The Lord Mayor (Councillor John Campbell), the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Vickie Priestley) and Councillors Julie Dore, John Robson, Jack Scott, Roy Munn, Simon Clement Jones, Clive Skelton, Ian Saunders, Chris Rosling Josephs, Helen Mirfin Boukouris, Bryan Lodge, Denise Fox, Karen McGowan, Jayne Dunn, Shaffaq Mohammed, Jackie Drayton, Ibrar Hussain, Talib Hussain, Mohammed Maroof, Rob Frost, Geoff Smith, Sylvia Anginotti, Mary Lea, Harry Harpham, Mazher Iqbal, Colin Ross, Joe Otten, Keith Hill, Joyce Wright, Garry Weatherall, Penny Baker, Diana Stimely, Roger Davison, Sheila Constance, Chris Weldon, Alan Law, Sue Alston, Andrew Sanger, Steve Jones, Tim Rippon, Cate Mcdonald, Denise Reaney, Ian Auckland, George Lindars-Hammond, Janet Bragg, Pat Midgley, Terry Fox, Anthony Downing, David Barker, Isobel Bowler, Nikki Bond, Qurban Hussain, Anders Hanson, Lynn Rooney, Martin Lawton, Peter Rippon, Peter Price, Tony Damms, Leigh Bramall, Gill Furniss, Katie Condliffe, David Baker, Richard Crowther, Alison Brelsford, Neale Gibson, Nikki Sharpe,Ben Curran, Adam Hurst, Alf Meade, Jackie Satur, Mick Rooney and Ray Satur.






Against the motion (0)








Abstained on the motion (2)


Councillors Robert Murphy and Jillian Creasy.



Supporting documents: