Agenda item

Right First Time - Update



The Committee received a report of Steven Haigh, Right First Time Programme Manager, to which was appended a paper which had been presented to the Right First Time Programme Board in April and which set out the current position with regard to Phase 2 of the Programme.  The report was supported by a presentation, given by Steven Haigh, which provided details of Phase 1 Impact and Key Deliverables and Investments for Phase 2. 




Members made various comments and asked a number of questions relating to the report and presentation, to which responses were provided as follows:-



·           The bulk of 2012/13 investment had gone into health and social care.



·           Confidence in the system was strong on partnership but cautious as to at whose expense.  The financial rules hadn’t changed but there was a degree of caution with regard to change.



·           At the moment, the money was in the wrong place, so safeguards would only be put in if the system operated in a different way.  There was still inefficiency in the way in which systems operated, but rehabilitation in the home would be possible if services were joined up.



·           It was important for Accident and Emergency Units to understand why people went there.



·           The Programme Budget had now been resolved.



·           Some clinical thought was being given to Accident and Emergency co-location as it was considered that this was the right approach.  It was necessary though for Accident and Emergency facilities to be fair and accessible for the whole City.



·           The development of transitional arrangements between child and adult mental health services was a new addition to the programme, with work on this being at an early stage.  The importance of looking at the supply chain was highlighted.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       thanks Steven Haigh for this contribution to the meeting;




(b)       notes the contents of the report, presentation and responses to questions;




(c)        welcomes progress on developing improved partnership working through the Right First Time programme;




(d)       expresses its concern about the absence of sustainable funding arrangements which recognise the additional costs to Sheffield City Council and the savings to the NHS of the Right First Time programme; and




(e)       requests that:-




(i)      this resolution be forwarded to Ian Atkinson, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group, the Right First Time Programme Board, the Head of Adult Services, Sheffield City Council, and Councillor Mary Lea, Cabinet Member for Health, Care and Independent Living; and




(ii)     an update report on the Right First Time programme be presented to the Committee in six month’s time.