Agenda item

Notice of Motion Given By Councillor Leigh Bramall

That this Council:


(a)      notes that the Castle Market was built on the site of the original Sheffield Castle which was first mentioned in written records in 1184;


(b)      further notes that demolition of the current Castle Market presents a unique opportunity to excavate the Castle site and incorporate it into a wider regeneration strategy for the area;


(c)      notes the Administration’s plans to fully excavate the ruins of the Castle's foundations and open them to the general public;


(d)      confirms that the Administration is in discussions with the Heritage Lottery Fund to try and secure the necessary resources to excavate the site;


(e)      furthermore, confirms the Administration’s intention to incorporate community involvement as a key element of any plans for excavation and display of any Castle remains and/or artefacts found at the site; and


(f)       therefore commits to begin stakeholder engagement this summer with interested parties and the public, and to re-form the cross-party Castle Member Group and to work with the Friends of Sheffield Castle Group, to begin discussions on how to progress the project for the benefit of Sheffield and the Castlegate area.



Sheffield Castle Site




RESOLVED:  On the Motion of Councillor Gill Furniss, seconded by Councillor Chris Rosling-Josephs, that this Council:-




(a)       notes that the Castle Market was built on the site of the original Sheffield Castle which was first mentioned in written records in 1184;


(b)       further notes that demolition of the current Castle Market presents a unique opportunity to excavate the Castle site and incorporate it into a wider regeneration strategy for the area;


(c)        notes the Administration’s plans to fully excavate the ruins of the Castle's foundations and open them to the general public;


(d)       confirms that the Administration is in discussions with the Heritage Lottery Fund to try and secure the necessary resources to excavate the site;


(e)       furthermore, confirms the Administration’s intention to incorporate community involvement as a key element of any plans for excavation and display of any Castle remains and/or artefacts found at the site; and


(f)        therefore commits to begin stakeholder engagement this summer with interested parties and the public, and to re-form the cross-party Castle Member Group and to work with the Friends of Sheffield Castle Group, to begin discussions on how to progress the project for the benefit of Sheffield and the Castlegate area.