Agenda item

Notice of Motion Given By Councillor Andrew Sangar

That this Council:


(a)      is deeply concerned by reports in the Budget Outturn Report 2012/13 that the total slippage in last year’s capital programme was £87 million;


(b)      understands that this slippage represents an astounding 43% of the Council’s capital spend;


(c)      highlights the comments of finance officers in the report that the slippage is “the highest annual level of slippage recorded to date”;


(d)      believes the failure to proceed with approved projects will have cost jobs across Sheffield;


(e)      considers the Administration responsible for this historic failure and laments the Administration’s staggering indifference to the potential damage to jobs and businesses across Sheffield; and


(f)       calls on the Administration to take immediate action to ensure this failure is not repeated.




Capital Programme 2012/13




At the request of Councillor Andrew Sangar (the mover of the motion) and with the consent of the Council, the Notice of Motion Numbered 9 on the Summons for this meeting was withdrawn.