Agenda item

Notice of Motion given by Councillor Andrew Sangar

That this Council:


(a)       notes the proposed changes to Sheffield bus routes recently published by the Sheffield Bus Partnership; and


(b)       regrets that the consultation was held over the summer holidays, a principle which was  slammed by the Cabinet Member for Communities and Inclusion as ‘ridiculous’.







Sheffield Bus Partnership




It was moved by Councillor Andrew Sangar, seconded by Councillor Cliff Woodcraft, that this Council:-




(a)       notes the proposed changes to Sheffield bus routes recently published by the Sheffield Bus Partnership; and


(b)       regrets that the consultation was held over the summer holidays, a principle which was  slammed by the Cabinet Member for Communities and Inclusion as ‘ridiculous’.




Whereupon, it was moved by Councillor Ian Auckland, seconded by Councillor Simon Clement-Jones, as an amendment, that the Motion now submitted be amended by the addition of new paragraphs (c) to (f) as follows:-




(c)        welcomes any improvements to the network but does not believe that these changes should come at the expense of a worse service to other communities;




(d)       specifically opposes changes to the 17, 20, 20a and 123 services, which will see a reduced service to Norton Lees, Thorpe House, Norton, Chancet Wood and Endcliffe;




(e)       believes these proposed changes serve as yet another demonstration of the failure of the Sheffield Bus Partnership to deliver the improved service promised by the Administration; and




(f)        calls upon the Partnership to listen to public outcry and scrap the proposed changes to the aforementioned services.




On being put to the vote, the amendment was negatived




It was then moved by Councillor Leigh Bramall, seconded by Councillor Jayne Dunn, as an amendment, that the original Motion now submitted be amended by:-




1.         the addition of a new paragraph (a) as follows:-




(a)       Agrees with comments from Transport Minister, Norman Baker MP, that the Sheffield Bus Partnership Agreement is “good news for the City”;




2.         the re-lettering of original paragraph (a) as a new paragraph (b);




3.         the deletion of original paragraph (b); and




4.         the addition of a new paragraph (c) as follows:-




(c)        is committed to developing a stable, sustainable bus network, and wants people to say what they think to make Sheffield's bus network even better.




On being put to the vote the amendment was carried.





The votes on the above amendment were ordered to be recorded and were as follows:-






For the amendment (55)


The Deputy Lord Mayor (Cllr Peter Rippon) and Councillors Julie Dore, Jack Scott, Roy Munn, Clive Skelton, Ian Saunders, Chris Rosling-Josephs, Helen Mirfin-Boukouris, Bryan Lodge, Denise Fox, Karen McGowan, Jayne Dunn, Stuart Wattam, Jackie Drayton, Ibrar Hussain, Talib Hussain, Mohammed Maroof, Geoff Smith, Mary Lea, Mazher Iqbal, Joyce Wright, Steven Wilson, Garry Weatherall, Sheila Constance, Chris Weldon, Alan Law, Steve Jones, Tim Rippon, Cate McDonald, George Lindars-Hammond, Robert Johnson, Janet Bragg, Pat Midgley, Terry Fox, Anthony Downing, David Barker, Isobel Bowler, Nikki Bond, Qurban Hussain, Lynn Rooney, John Campbell, Martin Lawton, Sioned-Mair Richards, Peter Price, Leigh Bramall, Gill Furniss, Richard Crowther, Neale Gibson, Nikki Sharpe, Adam Hurst, Alf Meade, Jackie Satur, Mick Rooney and Ray Satur.








Against the amendment (19)


Councillors Simon Clement-Jones, Shaffaq Mohammed, Robert Murphy and Jillian Creasy, Rob Frost, Sylvia Anginotti, Colin Ross, Joe Otten, Penny Baker, Sue Alston, Andrew Sangar, Cliff Woodcraft, Denise Reaney, Ian Auckland, Bob McCann, Katie Condliffe, David Baker, Alison Brelsford and Trevor Bagshaw.








Abstained on the amendment (1)


The Lord Mayor (Cllr Vickie Priestley).






The original Motion, as amended, was then put as a Substantive Motion in the following form and carried:-




RESOLVED:  That this Council:-




(a)       Agrees with comments from Transport Minister, Norman Baker MP, that the Sheffield Bus Partnership Agreement is “good news for the City”;




(b)       notes the proposed changes to Sheffield bus routes recently published by the Sheffield Bus Partnership; and




(c)        is committed to developing a stable, sustainable bus network, and wants people to say what they think to make Sheffield's bus network even better.


(Note: Councillors Robert Murphy and Jillian Creasy voted for Paragraphs (b) and (c) and against Paragraph (a) and asked for this to be recorded)