Agenda item

Winterbourne View - Sheffield's Actions in Response to the National Programme of Action



The Interim Head of the Learning Disabilities Service and the Chief Nurse, Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group submitted a joint report in relation to Winterbourne View and Sheffield’s actions in response to the National Programme of Action and seeking the Board’s approval for the approach described in the report. Heather Burns, Senior Commissioning Manager, NHS Sheffield CCG, and Anita Winter, Head of Service Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust attended the meeting to present the report.




Members of the report discussed the report as summarised below:-




·         The issue had been discussed at the Board and Shadow Board on a number of occasions and Members were shocked at the issues highlighted at Winterbourne View and it was clear that something needed to be done in response.




·         In response to a question from a Member, it was stated that the funding body had responsibility for monitoring those placed outside the City. There was a review of homes on a yearly basis and a review every 3 months if an individual was placed elsewhere.




·         Where an individual was placed in a home there should be a three way safeguard of which the Care Quality Commission inspection was one element. The review had highlighted deficiencies in all three areas.




·         In reference to recommendation 4.2 which aimed to ensure warning signs were not missed, the review had shown that warning signs had been missed with both family members not being heard and the Care Quality Commission not listening to concerns expressed.




·         In Sheffield a Peace of Mind Group had been established from the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board. The situation at Winterbourne View was the biggest nightmare any authority could imagine and all agencies needed to work hard to implement the recommendations and ensure that it did not happen again.




·         Families of those in the homes were engaged in the reviews and where there were no family members an independent outlook was needed.




·         The report and recommendations were welcomed. It was now the responsibility of the Board to ensure the recommendations were actioned effectively. It was questioned whether the Board should have monitoring responsibility for ensuring the recommendations were implemented but it was agreed that the Board should be kept informed.








1.    The approach outlined in the report be approved and further updates from the Winterbourne Steering Group be welcomed.

2.    The Board seeks assurance that organisations have information-sharing arrangements in their plans to support the need for greater multi-agency working and communication, and to ensure warning signs were not missed.

3.    Sheffield City Council committed to work with Sheffield CCG as a priority to find suitable accommodation that meets the needs of people with challenging behaviour, including those currently out of the City.

4.    The CCG committed to work with community health services and GP practices so that they were ready to provide suitable health support to this group of people on their return to the City.

5.    The CCG committed to work with acute psychiatric and mainstream hospital services to accommodate people with a learning disability who had a crisis in either their mental or physical health.






1.    The Department of Health recommends the involvement of local Health and Wellbeing Boards in the development of joint action plans.

2.    The recommendations will help to mitigate the risks of Sheffield not meeting its Winterbourne obligations.




Supporting documents: