Agenda item

Spital Hill Shop Frontage Improvement Scheme

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report seeking approval for a proposed Spital Hill Shop Front Improvement Scheme (The Scheme) to be delivered under the Successful Centres Programme.









the proposed Shop Front Improvement Scheme detailed in the report and set out in the appendix (subject to the maximum amount of assistance that can be paid to each shop being £4500 as in the report) to the report be approved;






delegates authority to the Head of Commercial Services to finalise the procurement process, evaluate tenders and select the contractor to deliver the works under the above scheme, in accordance with Council procedures; and






delegates authority to the Director of Commercial Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance and the Director of Finance to negotiate and agree the terms of appointment with the Contractor selected to deliver the works for the above scheme.





Reasons for Decision




The Successful Centres Strategy approved by the North East Community Assembly in 2012 identified the importance of improving the appearance of the streetscape and public realm within the Spital Hill District Centre as well as improving Ellesmere Green as two of the top priorities for the community.




The proposed scheme will support independent traders and help to boost the confidence and image of the centre, increase the footfall to improve the local economy.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Do nothing – This would mean leaving any improvement to the market. However, the current economic climate is not conducive to this, as there is already widespread market failure and there is a strong risk of Spital Hill District Centre falling into further decline.




As proposed – the Scheme aims to deliver a project that will deliver the agreed objectives for Spital Hill District Centre outlined in the Successful Centres Strategy to improve the viability, use and appearance of the centre.




Another option is a scheme providing loans to owners to carry out the shop front improvements – in order for the scheme to be successful, the majority of independent traders need to participate so that a sufficient impact can be made on the street scene. In the current economic climate, owners will find it difficult to make substantial payments to fund the whole costs of shop front improvements.


Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In








The Executive Director, Place submitted a report seeking approval for a proposed Spital Hill Shop Front Improvement Scheme (The Scheme) to be delivered under the Successful Centres Programme.




It was reported that there were errors in the appendix. Paragraph 3.2 should read a maximum of £4,500 per shop and not £5,000 and the last sentence of paragraph 2.7 should refer to a take up of at least 90% not 80%.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





approves the proposed Shop Front Improvement Scheme detailed in the report and set out in the appendix (subject to the maximum amount of assistance that can be paid to each shop being £4500 as in the report) to the report be approved;






delegates authority to the Head of Commercial Services to finalise the procurement process, evaluate tenders and select the contractor to deliver the works under the above scheme, in accordance with Council procedures; and






delegates authority to the Director of Commercial Services, in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance and the Director of Finance to negotiate and agree the terms of appointment with the Contractor selected to deliver the works for the above scheme.





Reasons for Decision




The Successful Centres Strategy approved by the North East Community Assembly in 2012 identified the importance of improving the appearance of the streetscape and public realm within the Spital Hill District Centre as well as improving Ellesmere Green as two of the top priorities for the community.




The proposed scheme will support independent traders and help to boost the confidence and image of the centre, increase the footfall to improve the local economy.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Do nothing – This would mean leaving any improvement to the market. However, the current economic climate is not conducive to this, as there is already widespread market failure and there is a strong risk of Spital Hill District Centre falling into further decline.




As proposed – the Scheme aims to deliver a project that will deliver the agreed objectives for Spital Hill District Centre outlined in the Successful Centres Strategy to improve the viability, use and appearance of the centre.




Another option is a scheme providing loans to owners to carry out the shop front improvements – in order for the scheme to be successful, the majority of independent traders need to participate so that a sufficient impact can be made on the street scene. In the current economic climate, owners will find it difficult to make substantial payments to fund the whole costs of shop front improvements.


Supporting documents: