Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meeting

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18 September, 2013



The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18th September 2013, were approved as a correct record and, arising therefrom, it was reported that:-




(a)       a response had been received from St Luke’s Hospice, indicating that they would be happy to host the Committee’s meeting in January 2014, at which the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive of the Hospice would give a short presentation and arrangements would also be made for a tour of the Hospice. “The Nature of Funding for Hospice Care in Sheffield” had previously been identified as a topic for the Committee’s Work Programme 2012/13, and Members therefore agreed that they would like to request that the Chief Executive of the Hospice produces a report on this subject for discussion at the meeting; Members welcomed the invite and requested the Policy and Improvement Officer to contact the Hospice to make the necessary arrangements;




(b)       Members would be welcome to attend one of two Open Day sessions on Friday, 22nd and Tuesday, 26th November 2013, from 12 noon to 2.00 pm, regarding the Home from Home Scheme; the Policy and Improvement Officer would circulate full details of the sessions to Members of the Committee;




(c)        a response had still not been received to the letter sent to the Secretary of State for Health, expressing the Committee’s concerns regarding the lack of a national framework and regulation for male circumcisions, and the Chair agreed that he would send one more letter on this issue, which would be sent to the six Sheffield MPs, and would request that this issue be raised as a question in Parliament;




(d)       arrangements had been made for Councillor John Illingworth, Chair of the Yorkshire and Humber Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and Steven Courtney, Principal Scrutiny Adviser Officer, Leeds City Council, to give a presentation to all Members of the Council on the review of adult congenital heart disease services on 30th January 2014, at the Town Hall, Sheffield.




(e)       the Policy and Improvement Officer had forwarded a paper provided by Ken Lawrie, Director of Commercial Relations, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, containing information relating to the contracts that had been let to voluntary and faith sector organisations around offering help and advice to patients with mental health, drug and alcohol problems;




(f)        the Policy and Improvement Officer had circulated the current draft of the Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) Engagement Plan on 5th November 2013; Members were asked to forward any comments to the Policy and Improvement Officer, who would collate and submit them to the CCG; and




(g)       the suggested changes raised by the Committee in respect of the contents and layout of the Adult Social Care Local Account 2012/13, had been forwarded to Ben Arnold, Development Officer, Business Strategy, Communities, and a response had been received from Mr Arnold, which had been circulated to Members of the Committee.


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