Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting



Councillor Alan Law declared an interest in respect of an application for planning permission for the siting of two wind turbines with a tip height of 34.5 metres at Hollin Edge Farm, Common Lane, Deepcar (Case No. 13/02433/FUL) as he resided near to the development site and had objected to other proposed turbines sites in the area as a former Stocksbridge Town Councillor and he vacated the Chair which was occupied by Councillor Tony Downing during consideration of this item and left the room prior to the Committee considering the item.




Councillor Garry Weatherall declared an interest as a Member of the Ecclesfield Parish Council, in relation to those applications that the Parish Council had considered, but indicated that he would participate in their determination if they were to be considered by this Committee as he had not pre-determined his views on applications during the meetings of the Parish Council.




Councillor Trevor Bagshaw declared a personal interest respect of an application for planning permission for the siting of two wind turbines with a tip height of 34.5 metres at Hollin Edge Farm, Common Lane, Deepcar (Case No. 13/02433/FUL) as a former Member of the Peak District National Park Planning Authority.


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