Agenda item

Greenhill Main Road/Greenhill Avenue - Proposed Introduction of Traffic Signals

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report outlining the outcome of two public consultation exercises relating to the proposed introduction of traffic signals at the junction of Greenhill Main Road and Greenhill Avenue and officers responses to the representations received and reporting the receipt of objections to a Traffic Regulation Order to prohibit the left turn into Greenhill Avenue from Greenhill Main Road.




RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member for Business, Skills and Development:-





defers the implementation of a scheme to introduce traffic signals at the junction of Greenhill Main Road/Greenhill Avenue and associated works in the vicinity, as shown on drawing np. 1513BB2-SD-LT107-TRO-B in the report pending the outcome of further surveys and assessment of alternative works;






requests that further consultation be undertaken with local residents in respect of the further surveys and potential impact of the proposal for a no left turn from Greenhill Main Road into Greenhill Avenue; and






requests that the objectors be informed accordingly.





Reasons for Decision




The proposals were not progressed at this stage, subject to further traffic surveys and assessment of alternative works in the area, in response to residents’ objections that traffic problems in the area would be made worse as a result.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




To approve the scheme as recommended.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report outlining the outcome of two public consultation exercises relating to the proposed introduction of traffic signals at the junction of Greenhill Main Road and Greenhill Avenue and officers responses to the representations received and reporting the receipt of objections to a Traffic Regulation Order to prohibit the left turn into Greenhill Avenue from Greenhill Main Road.




Mr David Witely, a local resident attended the meeting to make representations to the Cabinet Member. He commented that he had lived in the area for 40 years so believed he had a good understanding of traffic movements in the area. He recognised the need to improve traffic flow around the Meadowhead roundabout as this had been a long standing issue. He acknowledged that the traffic signals would help to improve the traffic flow. However, preventing the left turn from Greenhill Main Road into Greenhill Avenue would add an extra 200 vehicles to the roundabout which would make the traffic problems worse.




The number of responses, including the petition, against the proposed ban on the left turn was statistically significant and represented an overall negative view of the proposals from local residents.




The impact of the proposals on traffic in the surrounding streets would be considerable. Traffic travelling north would seek every opportunity to avoid the Meadowhead roundabout and this would impact on roads such as Bocking Lane. The proposals would also intensify parking around the shops in the Greenhill area.




Mr Witely did not believe that the claims that the proposals were motivated by safety were credible as safety in the area from vehicles using the streets as a rat run had been a long standing issue which had not been resolved.




In conclusion, he requested that the recommendation for the introduction of a no left turn from Greenhill Avenue to Greenhill Main Road not be approved and further consultation be held with local residents on adjustments to traffic management in the area.




Lesley Fox, a local resident, also attended the Session to make representations to the Cabinet Member. She acknowledged that recent amendments to the Meadowhead roundabout had improved congestion. However, the proposal preventing a left turn from Greenhill Main Road into Greenhill Avenue was a major cause of concern. The additional vehicle movements would aggravate parking and congestion in narrow village roads which were already being used as a rat run. She requested that the ban on the left turn not be progressed and full consultation be held on traffic issues in the Greenhill consultation area by 2015.




Julia Holmes, a resident of School Lane, commented that School Lane was a narrow village road with a lack of off street parking with congestion at busy times. Students attending the College already walked between parked cars and in the middle of the road and the speed of vehicles was putting them in danger. Vehicles were already trying to find ways of avoiding the Meadowhead roundabout and the proposals would make the situation worse. She also requested that a full public consultation take place to address the problems in the area.




John Bann, Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services welcomed the residents support for the introduction of the traffic signals. He commented that research had shown that vehicles would do a number of things in response to the banning of the left turn.




Tony Lawery, Senior Transport Planner, commented that the rationale behind the banning of the left turn was that, without this, the crossing would not be able to be put in the same place which would impact on the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. The crossing could be moved down but people would not divert their journey as a result.




John Bann added that if there was a safety problem in a particular area this would be addressed. However, officers worked on accident statistics rather than perception. Some enforcement work had taken place at the local school.




David Witely commented that the justification for the work on Meadowhead roundabout was to improve the traffic flow of vehicles in the area. Officers were now saying that other road users should be accommodated who weren’t the primary focus of the works in the first place. In response, John Bann commented that with any scheme officers always tried to take the needs of other users into account.




Councillor Leigh Bramall accepted that the primary issue was the impact of the proposals on the village. He asked what the level of car movements in the area was? Tony Lawery reported that a survey had been undertaken in February 2014. 6 vehicles had moved into the area in the morning peak time and 65 vehicles had gone out to Greenhill Main Road using the 3 main routes.




John Bann emphasised that the proposed crossing facility was very important to improve safety in the area and officers wished to proceed with it.




Councillor Leigh Bramall accepted the need to proceed with the crossing but recognised residents’ concerns. He requested that further traffic surveys be undertaken to clarify the position and mitigation measures be explored to alleviate traffic problems in the area.




RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member for Business, Skills and Development:-





defers the implementation of a scheme to introduce traffic signals at the junction of Greenhill Main Road/Greenhill Avenue and associated works in the vicinity, as shown on drawing np. 1513BB2-SD-LT107-TRO-B in the report pending the outcome of further surveys and assessment of alternative works;






requests that further consultation be undertaken with local residents in respect of the further surveys and potential impact of the proposal for a no left turn from Greenhill Main Road into Greenhill Avenue; and






requests that the objectors be informed accordingly.





Reasons for Decision




The proposals were not progressed at this stage, subject to further traffic surveys and assessment of alternative works in the area, in response to residents’ objections that traffic problems in the area would be made worse as a result.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




To approve the scheme as recommended.




Supporting documents: