Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 - Broomhall Community Centre

Report of the Chief Licensing Officer



The Chief Licensing Officer submitted a report to consider an application to grant a premises licence, made under the Licensing Act 2003, in respect of the premises known as Broomhall Community Centre, 116 Broomspring Lane, Sheffield S10 2FD.




Present at the meeting were Sharon Gill (applicant), Fred Thompson (objector), Andy Ruston (Senior Licensing Officer), Louise Slater (Solicitor to the Sub-Committee) and Jennie Skiba (Democratic Services).




The Solicitor to the Sub-Committee outlined the procedure which would be followed during the hearing.




Andy Ruston presented the report to the Sub-Committee and it was noted that two objections had been received and were attached at Appendix C.  Mr. Ruston added that various conditions have been agreed with the responsible authorities and these conditions were attached at Appendix B.




Fred Thompson expressed his concerns regarding the application stating that he, and others, had worked hard in the area to achieve “unity in the community” and felt that the presence of alcohol on the premises could make some members of the public feel excluded from using the premises.  Mr. Thompson added that he had lived in the area for the past 20 years and had witnessed many unsociable activities over the years, some of which had been addressed, but felt that alcohol becoming available at the Centre would put public safety at risk.  He stated that he had worked amongst alcoholics and the homeless and knew the potential harm, particularly to children, if alcohol became readily available.




In response to questions from Members of the Sub-Committee, Fred Thompson stated that, although there were an increasing number of students living in the area, it was relatively quiet and there were no problems with the people who used the Centre at present. 




Sharon Gill stated that she had been Manager of the Broomhall Community Centre for the last five years. She said that the Centre is Charity funded and run by a Board of Directors, who are very strict about whom the premises are hired out to.  Sharon Gill added that, at present, daytime activities at the Centre are falling away and although the Board have turned down bookings for evening events, there is a need to generate more income to keep the building open.  She said that the Centre is predominantly used by local people, so there tended to be no problems with parking, but in response to an objection raised regarding parking, she stated that the building is sandwiched between West Street, the Hospitals, the University and Devonshire Green, meaning there is a lot of traffic generated from the surrounding area, but very little is caused by users of the Centre.




In response to questions from Members of the Sub-Committee, Sharon Gill stated that a bar would not be installed inside the premises, that any drinks served would be brought onto the premises by those people who had hired the room and then served through a hatch leading from the kitchen.  Sharon Gill further stated that there are no fridges or freezers inside the building and alcohol would never be stored inside the premises.  She added that a cleaner is employed daily to keep the premises, inside and out, in a clean and tidy condition. 




Sharon Gill stated that she is the Premises Licence Holder and that the majority of events that were already held at the Centre require her to obtain a Temporary Events Notice.  In response to questions relating to any incidents of anti-social behaviour, she replied that during the past five years, possibly on two, maybe three occasions, there has been a complaint relating to anti-social behaviour which had been reported to the Board of Directors and had been immediately dealt with by them.  She added that none of the groups who use the Centre had ever raised any objection to the fact that alcohol was brought onto the premises.  She went on to say that if the Broomhall Centre was licensed, it would be able to offer a wider scope of activities and thus generate more income to keep the Centre open.




Andy Ruston reported on the options open to the Sub-Committee.




RESOLVED: That the public and press and attendees be excluded from the meeting before further discussion takes place on the grounds that, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, if those persons were present, there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information as described in paragraph 5 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.




Louise Slater reported orally, giving legal advice on various aspects of the application.




At this point in the proceedings, the meeting was re-opened to the public and press and attendees.




RESOLVED: That, following consideration of the information contained in the report now submitted, and the representations now made, the application for a premises licence in respect of the Broomhall Community Centre, 116 Broomspring Lane, Sheffield S10 2FD, be granted in the terms requested, subject to the conditions agreed with the responsible authorities and the following additional conditions:-




(a)  that no alcohol is to be consumed outside the premises; and




(b)  that all windows and doors are closed after 9.00 p.m., except for access and egress, during any regulated activity.




(The full reasons for the Sub-Committee’s decision will be included in the written Notice of Determination).


Supporting documents: