Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

Members to declare any interests they have in the business to be considered at the meeting



Councillor Bob Johnson declared a personal interest, as he was appointed to the Board of Pennine Housing 2000, in an application for planning permission for a residential development comprising 9 dwellinghouses and 2 wheelchair-accessible bungalows and associated landscaping on land between Phillips Road and Lee Road and land between 1 and 9 Lee Road (Case No. 13/03792/FUL), but did speak and vote thereon.




Councillor Peter Rippon declared a personal interest, as he was appointed to the Sanctuary Housing Local Board which included Shiregreen Community Homes, in an application for planning permission for the erection of 46 apartments for elderly persons with associated car parking accommodation and landscaping works at the former Woolley Wood Primary School, Oaks Fold Road (Case No. 13/03758/FUL), but did speak and vote thereon.




Councillor Garry Weatherall declared a personal interest as a Member of the Ecclesfield Parish Council, in an application for retrospective planning permission for the erection of a fence to a boundary wall at 2 Larch Grove (Case No. 13/02224/FUL) but stated he had not attended a meeting considering the application and would speak and vote thereon.


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