Agenda item

Disposal of Manor Site 8

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report recommending the disposal of land at Fretson Road and Queen Mary Road, known as Manor 8, for private housing development.









the decision of Cabinet on 22 November 2006 to sell the land, shown at Appendix A to the report, known as Manor 8, to Lovell Partnerships Ltd be rescinded;






a developer be procured for Manor 8 using the Homes and Communities Agency’s Developer Partner Panel utilising a competitive tender process led by Commercial Services in accordance with Standing Orders;






the procurement be subject to the landowner’s requirements identified in Section 6 of the report;






delegates authority to the Director of Commercial Services or his nominated deputy to award a contract for this project; and






delegates authority to the Director of Capital and Major Projects to vary any boundaries as required and to instruct the Director of Legal Services to complete the necessary legal documentation to transfer the site to the successful tenderer on the terms set out in the report.





Reasons for Decision




Disposal through the HCA’s Developer Partner Panel would create the best opportunity for the timely delivery of a good quality development that would complement Sheffield Housing Company’s planned regeneration of the area.




Disposal through this method, agreed with the HCA, would allow the Council to retain a capital receipt generated by the sale.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Disposal of the site without any landowner requirements would potentially realise a greater capital receipt. However, the HCA would not support this course of action by the Council. If the Council were not prepared to impose the proposed landowner requirements, the HCA would exercise its option to purchase the site for £1.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Safer and Stronger Communities




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report recommending the disposal of land at Fretson Road and Queen Mary Road, known as Manor 8, for private housing development.









the decision of Cabinet on 22 November 2006 to sell the land, shown at Appendix A to the report, known as Manor 8, to Lovell Partnerships Ltd be rescinded;






a developer be procured for Manor 8 using the Homes and Communities Agency’s Developer Partner Panel utilising a competitive tender process led by Commercial Services in accordance with Standing Orders;






the procurement be subject to the landowner’s requirements identified in Section 6 of the report;






delegates authority to the Director of Commercial Services or his nominated deputy to award a contract for this project; and






delegates authority to the Director of Capital and Major Projects to vary any boundaries as required and to instruct the Director of Legal and Governance to complete the necessary legal documentation to transfer the site to the successful tenderer on the terms set out in the report.





Reasons for Decision




Disposal through the HCA’s Developer Partner Panel would create the best opportunity for the timely delivery of a good quality development that would complement Sheffield Housing Company’s planned regeneration of the area.




Disposal through this method, agreed with the HCA, would allow the Council to retain a capital receipt generated by the sale.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Disposal of the site without any landowner requirements would potentially realise a greater capital receipt. However, the HCA would not support this course of action by the Council. If the Council were not prepared to impose the proposed landowner requirements, the HCA would exercise its option to purchase the site for £1.




Supporting documents: