Agenda item

Scrutiny Review

Report of the Chief Executive



The Chief Executive submitted a report providing background information on key functions of scrutiny, the model operated in Sheffield and how Scrutiny is resourced.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





notes the findings of the Scrutiny Review and agrees changes to the ways of working, including:


·         The development of a more rigorous approach to work planning and prioritisation, including an annual Scrutiny planning event

·         Greater engagement with the public and service users in Scrutiny

·         Strengthening outcome focussed Scrutiny of City-wide issues including holding to account services delivered by other agencies across the City, as well as the changes;






agrees changes in time for the start of the next municipal year in relation to changing membership for the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to reflect proportionality of Council, whilst including Chairs and Deputy Chairs of Scrutiny Committees; and






agrees that in consultation with the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, officers further develop a detailed action plan based on the proposed solutions to issues identified in the Review as outlined in Section 8 of the report.





Reasons for Decision




This report on the Scrutiny Review identifies a series of recommendations which would enable the Council to improve the impact and effectiveness of Scrutiny, within a changing context of substantial changes in budgets and new ways of working and service delivery; changes in people’s expectations of local democracy and the new development of new forms of technology and communications. Scrutiny needs to adapt to these changes, to ensure local government and other organisations are accountable, help build trust with the public, and improve the effectiveness of Council services and the work of other agencies.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




During the course of the Review, different approaches to structures and ways of working were raised by participants in the Review. In considering these it was felt that there are a range of solutions, as outlined in Section 8 of the report, that could improve the effectiveness and impact of Overview and Scrutiny. Overall, the current structure of the committees was felt to be ‘fit for purpose’, though a stronger approach to co-ordination and better focus on issues that matter, including corporate health, could not be achieved without making changes to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




John Mothersole, Chief Executive




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee




The Chief Executive submitted a report providing background information on key functions of scrutiny, the model operated in Sheffield and how Scrutiny is resourced.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





notes the findings of the Scrutiny Review and agrees changes to the ways of working, including:


·         The development of a more rigorous approach to work planning and prioritisation, including an annual Scrutiny planning event

·         Greater engagement with the public and service users in Scrutiny

·         Strengthening outcome focussed Scrutiny of City-wide issues including holding to account services delivered by other agencies across the City, as well as the changes;






agrees changes in time for the start of the next municipal year in relation to changing membership for the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee to reflect proportionality of Council, whilst including Chairs and Deputy Chairs of Scrutiny Committees; and






agrees that in consultation with the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, officers further develop a detailed action plan based on the proposed solutions to issues identified in the Review as outlined in Section 8 of the report.





Reasons for Decision




This report on the Scrutiny Review identifies a series of recommendations which would enable the Council to improve the impact and effectiveness of Scrutiny, within a changing context of substantial changes in budgets and new ways of working and service delivery; changes in people’s expectations of local democracy and the new development of new forms of technology and communications. Scrutiny needs to adapt to these changes, to ensure local government and other organisations are accountable, help build trust with the public, and improve the effectiveness of Council services and the work of other agencies.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




During the course of the Review, different approaches to structures and ways of working were raised by participants in the Review. In considering these it was felt that there are a range of solutions, as outlined in Section 8 of the report, that could improve the effectiveness and impact of Overview and Scrutiny. Overall, the current structure of the committees was felt to be ‘fit for purpose’, though a stronger approach to co-ordination and better focus on issues that matter, including corporate health, could not be achieved without making changes to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee.




Supporting documents: