Agenda item

Carterknowle Road Zebra Crossing: Feedback on Public Consultation

Report of the Executive Director, Place



The Executive Director, Place submitted a report describing the responses from residents to site a zebra crossing on Carterknowle Road at the gates to Carterknowle Junior School and the related relocation of nearby bus stops.









the Cabinet Member notes the responses to the consultation exercise;






the scheme be constructed, as shown in Appendix B to the report;






Parking Services be requested to take enforcement action against anybody parking illegally at the start of the September term;






the residents be informed of the decision accordingly.





Reasons for Decision




There have been three petitions requesting a crossing in this area, the most recent (2009) signed by 244 people. Local residents were consulted in 2011 on a scheme to be funded by the South Community Assembly, only for it to be shelved due to a reduction in funding from Central Government. The proposed crossing enjoys the full support of the school and Councillors for Nether Edge ward.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




South Yorkshire PTE has again been asked to consider the need for the two bus stops. They have confirmed that the removal of the stops would be unacceptable due to the distance this would leave between the preceding and following stops (approximately 600m).




Officers have investigated whether the standard 27m bus clearway restriction could be reduced in front of the houses 88 to 92 to reduce the loss of on-street parking. Unfortunately, if the length of restriction were reduced a bus would not be able to turn into the bus stop around a parked vehicle and align neatly to the kerb at the stop without bumping over an existing speed cushion.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing




The Executive Director, Place submitted a report describing the responses from residents to site a zebra crossing on Carterknowle Road at the gates to Carterknowle Junior School and the related relocation of nearby bus stops.




Simon Botterill, Team Manager, Traffic Management reported that objections had been received from two residents of Carterknowle Road. The owner of a further property fronting the proposed bus stop had submitted an objection which they wished to be read out. They stated that the proposed bus stop markings would cover their drive and restrict on street parking. They also often had elderly visitors with restricted mobility and this would impact on them. There would also be overlooking into their property from users of the bus stop.




A further letter from a resident was read out. Their property fronted the proposed crossing point. The residents of the property were an elderly couple who had health problems and as a result may need the use of a wheelchair or mobility scooter in the future. They therefore needed access to the property and a dropped kerb. They also requested a shield be put on the beacon at the bus stop to prevent light getting into the property. A litter bin at the bus stop was also requested.




In response, Simon Botterill stated that the kerb would be dropped as requested. The inclusion of a shield on beacons was standard practice at crossings next to residential properties. It was not within officers’ power to install a litter bin but this request would be forwarded to AMEY for consideration.




Simon Botterill also read out a statement from the head teacher of Carterknowle Junior School who stated that she was very much in favour of the crossing as it would keep children safe and be good for the community.




Councillor Nasima Akther, local Member for the Nether Edge ward, attended the meeting to make representations to the Cabinet Member. She stated that she acknowledged the concerns expressed by residents of two properties on Carterknowle Road. However, buses were infrequent after 8.00 p.m. so noise would not be an issue. It had been a long standing request for a crossing which had been promised to the community in the past. There was widespread support in the local community for a crossing as it was useful for child safety and for elderly and vulnerable people. There were also numerous safety issues in the area and cars often didn’t stick to the 30mph speed limit.




Councillor Leigh Bramall responded that the Council did try and accommodate requests where they could but the area in question was public highway and residents did not have an automatic right to park there, The residents who had raised objections did have driveways with which to park their cars. As the buses stopped running after 8.00 p.m. noise would also not be an issue.









the Cabinet Member notes the responses to the consultation exercise;






the scheme be constructed, as shown in Appendix B to the report;






Parking Services be requested to take enforcement action against anybody parking illegally at the start of the September term;






the residents be informed of the decision accordingly.





Reasons for Decision




There have been three petitions requesting a crossing in this area, the most recent (2009) signed by 244 people. Local residents were consulted in 2011 on a scheme to be funded by the South Community Assembly, only for it to be shelved due to a reduction in funding from Central Government. The proposed crossing enjoys the full support of the school and Councillors for Nether Edge ward.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




South Yorkshire PTE has again been asked to consider the need for the two bus stops. They have confirmed that the removal of the stops would be unacceptable due to the distance this would leave between the preceding and following stops (approximately 600m).




Officers have investigated whether the standard 27m bus clearway restriction could be reduced in front of the houses 88 to 92 to reduce the loss of on-street parking. Unfortunately, if the length of restriction were reduced a bus would not be able to turn into the bus stop around a parked vehicle and align neatly to the kerb at the stop without bumping over an existing speed cushion.


Supporting documents: