Agenda item

Owlthorpe Planning Brief

Report of the Director of Regeneration and Development Services



The Director of Regeneration and Development Services submitted a report informing Members about the outcome of public consultation on the draft Planning and Brief Brief for Housing Sites C, D and E at Moorthorpe Way, Owlthorpe and seeking formal adoption of the final version of the Brief as a material consideration in determining planning applications for the sites.




Gary Dickson, Area Planning Officer, reported that two additional representations had been received following the publication of the report. The first stated that there had been a lack of consultation on the Brief and residents had not been given enough time to consider the proposals. Mr Dickson responded that he believed adequate consultation had been undertaken and people would be given further opportunities to comment at the application stage.




The second representation commented that the proposals would have a negative impact on traffic in the area and a link road was needed. Mr Dickson commented that a full and detailed highway assessment would be undertaken as part of any application and the construction of a link road was outlined as an option in the Planning Brief.




A local resident attended the meeting to make representations. She stated that she was not against any development in the area. However, she did not believe adequate consultation had taken place and a number of local residents were not aware of the proposals. She also felt that ecological issues in the area were being downplayed in the Brief. Traffic was already a problem in the area and would be made worse by the development. The development should also be reduced in size.




In response, Gary Dickson commented that he believed the consultation had been adequate. There had been posters in the area, drop in events and emails sent out. The Council wanted to embrace people’s views. Parts of the site would be protected and any development would blend in with the green framework of the area. He acknowledged the traffic problems in the area which was why the Brief included a link road as a possible option.




RESOLVED: That: (a) the Brief be approved to inform development proposals for the sites; and (b) the Brief be approved and adopted as a material consideration in determining planning applications for Owlthorpe sites C, D and E.


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