Agenda item

Minutes of Previous Meetings

To approve the minutes of meetings of the Committee held on 19th March, 10th April and 4th June, 2014, and to note the attached Actions List



(NOTE: At this point, Councillor Mick Rooney re-joined the meeting and took the Chair.)




The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19th March 2014, were approved as a correct record and, arising from their consideration, it was noted that:-




(a)       a written response had been provided to the questioner with regard to Sheffield being a ‘Dementia Friendly’ City.  This had provided information on Local Area Partnership Ward Plans and dementia training within the City and also information on the Dementia Friends and Dementia Friends Champions initiatives which were co-ordinated by the Alzheimer’s Society; and




(b)       a response had been received from Jeremy Wight, Director of Public Health, with regard to the public health issues raised at Paragraph 7.3(d) and this had been shared with Committee Members.




The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 10th April 2014, were approved as a correct record and, arising from their consideration, the Committee noted that:-




(a)       its recommendations regarding the Congenital Heart Disease Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Yorkshire and the Humber) were approved in full by Council at its meeting on 2nd July 2014; and




(b)       the Chair, Councillor Mick Rooney, had been confirmed as the representative from Sheffield on that Committee.




The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 4th June 2014, were approved as a correct record.


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